Hello From Ky, My name is Ellen. I am the new mommy to Dana's Hunny AKA Ginger. Thank you so much Dana, for Hunny and the invite to this site. I sure do hope that the font shows up bigger than what I am seeing here... looks like ant tracks to me... Can't wait until the 5th when I make the trip to get the new baby. She has three sisters waiting to meet her...
Hi Ellen! Welcome to Chihuahua Crossing! My name is Rosa, and I am also future mommy to one of Dana's pups. I am taking the other long coat around the end of February! It's great that you decided to join us, now we can watch the whole litter grow up!
Thank you so much for the warm welcome ya'll.. Rosa, it is good to meet you.. guess that makes us like Mommy in laws or somethin to that effect... What state do you reside in? I am pickin up hunny at 8 weeks, I am sure Dana needs to get ready for the next liter....
Hello and welcome Ellen! It is great to have you here with us and we are all thrilled at the idea of seeing little Hunny grow up on here! She's such a cute pup, and I am greatly looking forward to seeing how she turns out as an adult.
Tell us more about her three sisters? What're their names? Colours? Coat type? We wanna know all!
Welcome Ellen, I am so happy to see you have joined us. I was interesed in Ginger when she was born, you are a lucky lady. I can't wait to see the lil doll grow up on here. CONGRATS. on you new baby girl I know you will love her to death!!!
I am also interested in hearing about the other girls.
Again, Thank you everyone for the welcome.. The girls are Maybish who will be 10 next month. I have had her since she was 6 weeks old.. She is a long coat and has coloring like Hunny.. which is why I fell so hard for Hunny.. Izzy was 11 weeks old when I got her this past Oct. She is a redish color and not really long coat, but not smooth coat either, her ears of fluffy and her tail is starting to fluff out, but her hair is very course.. She has some white on her chest and a couple of her paws.She has some dark toenails and some white ones, sometimes on the same foot. She is a mess and I love her all the same for it. Zoey, I got two weeks later and she was then 11 weeks old. She is a long coat chocolate with a couple of white paws and a splash of white on her chest.. They go in the end of next month to be spayed.. I am not a breeder but, I did get them from people that were not BYB. Zoeys parents had just the mama and were keeping one of the puppies, and Izzy's parents had just the mother and father.. I feel so lucky to have found Dana and Hunny on here... and am just thrilled...
Awe, I did not do something right... per usual, I will have to go back and redo it, and this time do it right... seems I had a truckload too much of picture.....lol