I was reading the tear stain thread and thought I would ask about Bella too as someone may know something to help. Bella does itch a lot, we have been working on this by getting her different foods and such and the itching has decreased. Her eyes however continue to be...odd looking. sometimes the hair will fall out around her eye to where it is bald and almost all of the time it is really red all the way around, as though she put on thick red eyeliner, upper and lower lid. I was wondering why this could be and if there was something i could put on it that would help it to heal without effecting her eye or her if she were to whip it with her paw and then lick it off. Anyone have any ideas or advice???
I hate hearing this about Bella. Bless her. I have no advice, though I wish I did. Sounds just awful. I guess that's just something I'd really get into with the Vet. I hope you can find a solution to this.
Oh, poor Bella! She's such a sweetheart, it's horrible to think of her in any discomfort!
I sounds like an allergy of some sort to me. The scratching could well be caused by an allergy to maize so you're right to try her on something else with no maize in it. Maize is a good cheap filler so a lot of companies use it to bulk up their food but unfortunately it makes a large number of dogs excessively itchy. Incidentally, what is Bella on now? The eye thing also sounds to me like an allergy. Other common food allergens include wheat, dairy, soy,and most often grains/cerals. How long has the eye problem been there? Because to find out the culprit it's really a process of elimination. Look at the ingredients on the dog food packet and see what ingredient is present that wasn't present in the last lot you tried. However, if the eye symptoms you mentioned above were a problem when she was on the food you tried before it might not be so clear cut. Finding the right food for your dog can be a long, drawn out affair. It took me the best part of a year to find the right brand for Ellie! She is allergic to maize and soy.
Of course, I am not a professional and I'd suggest you consult with your Vet over this. It is always best to have a Vets opinion.
Good luck, and please do let us know how it all turns out, wont you?
im sorry to hear about bellas problem well maybe i can help seems to me that bella has a serious occular or neurological problem and this means she has to get a vet to check her out and soon leaving it for later may make the problem more serious then it already is i hope i didnt scare you well the best thing to know is to take her to ur vet. good luck and lets know how it goes
My Bella had a similar problem like that - just on top of one eye though - went red - almost like a bump, then bigger, itchier looking (if there's such a thing) and she lost her hair there. I took her to vet for skin scraping - nothing showed up - but they did give me an antibiotic creme to use for 10 days and an oral antibiotic (by the time they checked she had infected it with scratching :( ) Now it's gone - i think in her case, she kept irritating it with scratching there's lots of good holistic cremes out there too that help with dry skin