Holly has been vomiting intermitently for the last three days. She doesn't act sick. She throws up a couple hours after eating. If she is not better by morning she'll be at the vets.
overaeting is a common cause of occasional vomitting in puppies, especially if they follow eating with playing.feed smaller meals more frequently if this becomes a problem. vomitting immediatly after meals could indicate an obstruction of the esophagus. repeated vommiting could indicate that your dog has eaten spoiled food, undigestible objects, or may have stomach illness. you really have to take ur dog to the vet and in the meanwhile, withhold food or feed as directed for diarreah and restrict water. does your dog vomit a foul substance? if she does let me know i can tell you more about this problem but this is serious and you need to take your dog to the vet pronto ok. well i hope she gets better.