Just thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Stacey and I'm now Halle's mom. You all have seen pics of her. She was Primroses Buttercup. My 5 yr old wanted to name her Jalapena, so we compromised and now she is Halle! She is a trip! I've had her since the end of Jan. and I already want another. She is my first chi. I never realized how smart and fun they are. Oh, I need all the help I can get on potty training, so suggestions anyone? It is hit and miss, though mostly miss when I'm not at home. HELP!! She has "brothers", Josh, Jake, Joseph and Jackson and she is beyond spoiled already. Loves to be the center of attention!
Hey Stacey! I'm so glad you found our little corner of the world, I think you'll love it here! I must admit to being a little envious of you; had I lived in the US you would've had a fight on your hands for Halle! I really had my eye on her! lol
I really look forward to chatting with you and seeing lots of that cutie pie! I'm so pleased you've joined!
I forgot to add anything to your question on housetraining!
In my experience it takes about six months t fully housetrain a young pup. However, again, in my experience, toy breeds take longer. I'd say Ellie was 'dry' completely by the age of ten months. I dont know what kind of training you've decided on, but I've always been one for dogs doing their businness out side only. If we knew what your goal is it'd be easier to advise. I mean, are you paper/pad training, or litter box, or outside? Most people on here are using those pee pee pads.
Chihuahuas are a great breed, but so far I've managed with just the one! lol People do say they're like crisps, you can never have just one! lol
So far we have been trying the piddle pads. Her other mother gave me some suggestions like using the pad to soak up accidents and showing her but so far that hasn't worked. She generally does better when I'm home with her but my husband says she generally doesn't use the pad when I'm at work and on occasion she has been guilty of stopping and going right in front of him!! My ultimate goal was a litter box. I thought because she is so so small that it would not be nice to have to take her out in the cold winters. and also when we are both at work then her poor little bladder wouldn't be getting over distended. I only work 12 hrs shifts, so I'm usually gone from 6-8, be it day or night. She is just 5 days shy of 5 months so, to hear that it may take a little while longer is a lttle reassuring. I could not believe how lucky I was to have found her only 30minutes from my home! We were meant to be! Oh, can't wait to post you all some pics of her as soon as I figure out how!
Lots, most in fact, of the members here use those pads so I know they'll all chip in with advice they have for you. I know we have one or two others who use a litterbox too. I've no experience with that kind of training so it's hard for me to help. It's a personal choice that every owner has to make,but I think you'll find Chis are tougher than you realise. Your little girl will probably be begging you to take her for a walk all year round so going outsdside to do her business would probably be ok. Of course, it will be a lot nicer for her to not have to though! lol
(I got Ellie March last year and it was still snowy and freeeeezing! I'd never paper/pad trained a dog before and had gown up with mostly larger breeds, so I just automatically made Ellie go to the loo outside from day one. It was so cold that I'd be standing out with her shivering my butt off and telling her "Quickly! Hurry up!" and now whenever I say either of those words she does a pee/poop! I, accidentally, created a trigger word! lol)
Yes, I'd certainly say that five months is too young to expect her to be housetrained. You mentioned you work and that sometimes your Husband is at home with Halle when you're at work? I was just wondering, have you checked with him how he deals with her when she has an accident? It might be that your commands are different. When training a young dog you have to be very consistant with your commands and discipline and if one person is telling them one thing and another is telling them something else it can get very confusing. I'm sure you've been through it with your Husband and I only ask as I have personal experience of a similar situation myself. My fiance, James, encouraged Ellie to play rough as a pup and she consequently still bites like a puppy does in play! SOOOOOO annoying! lol It doesn't hurt, but it isn't a habit I wish her to have as an adult. Also, can I make a suggestion? You are free to tell me to butt out if you want! lol Enroll Halle in a puppy obedience class as soon as possible. These classes not only socialise your pup, and teach her obedience, but help to obtain a pecking order between yourself and your dog. It is important Halle knows you and your household are higher than her in the 'pack' and obedience classes help to establish that.
It really does sound like it was fate! Only 30 minutes from your home?! Wow, I had to travel two hours! And I was considering travelling about six hours for the right stud in order to breed her!
You said Halle has 'brothers', is that other dogs? We'd all love to hear about them in the 'Other Pets' section!
Kriss encourages her to use her piddle pad like I do, taking her there when she gets up in the morning, or if she has an accident we try to redirect to the pad. Time and patience I guess. We were thinking that since she has become so attached to me that it might be a little defiance when I"m gone? I don't know. I decided to train her inside because I was so afraid of her getting cold and possibly hpyoglycemic. I'm not aware of the rate of incidence in which that happens, but I think just like a preemie baby (who doesn't have alot of fat reserves and is small) that is a greater risk. And like I said, she is my first and so I am a littel uncertain of some things. I always had house dogs growing up but they to were larger breeds. I guess I have just tried to be more cautious with her. Her "brothers" are my 4 boys. They are 15, 8, 5 and 6 months. My Jake is 8 and he babies her as much as I do sometimes and calls her "his baby girl".
I am completely unaware of any obedience classes in the area. I did have a rottie a number of yrs ago and those classes did NOTHING for him! He wasn't aggresive, just "ornery".
I have never had a dog that has bonded with me like her. She follows me EVERYWHERE! I joke that she is as bad as the boys, can't go to the bathroom by myself!
Thank you all so much for the welcome and tips, it is all greatly appreciated!
Welcome Halle and Stacey. Its so cool have you join us and to watch lil Halle grow. I have Halle's Uncle Oopie. Halle has a couple realives on this forum. I hope you two enjoy. Its really fun.
Welcome Halle and Stacey. Its so cool have you join us and to watch lil Halle grow. I have Halle's Uncle Oopie. Halle has a couple realives on this forum. I hope you two enjoy. Its really fun.