Well, Halle just took her first long distance trip. We went to kentucky for Easter weekend. She had the diarrhea all weekend! My mom started slipping her bits of table food over the weekend, so I'm not sure if I should chalk it up to that, the car ride or nerves. She has no problem with my boys, but my nephew just wanted to love on her and hold her all the time and I think he may have made her nervous. I did try to keep her put away when he was there. It seemed to have started Saturday morning and is finally resolving. She had a big accident in the car on the way home and now Joseph needs a new pillow. She had gotten a couple bites of suasage for breakfast Sat. ham on Sunday, and what ever else she could snatch that the kids dropped. Any ideas? She just seemed a little off all weekend and now (tuesday) seems to be getting back to her normal self. My mother swears she needs to be fatter, she kept saying "she's to skinny. let mammal have her for awhile" I reinforced that the vet has no problems with the way she looks, she is healthy, eats well and being fat can only cause her problems! I should have talked to the wall it would have listened more! Just worried me and was wondering if anyone has had similar problems. sorry this turned out to be so windy!!!
poor Halle !!!! Major contributing factor probably is stress :( Does she do well on car rides anyways? But it may not have been just getting table scraps - although i don't think they helped her poor tummy :( Whenever I go anywhere with my dogs (big or little) i bring water. Every area has different water - different chemicals in it, filtered different, etc. I had a similar problem with my lab one year when we went to Maine on vacation - even since then, I've brought jugs of our water when we go away. Take grumblies in the tummy from different water, a long car ride and then add all those treats she's not used to and you've probably got a kid with a mean belly ache :) Any type of diarrhea or vomiting, I always swap over to chix broth and rice for couple of days to let them settle their tummy then gradually add in their dry food until they feel better
Hope this helps - and hope Halle feels better soon
I not real sure about the car rides. She usually goes no further than the vet which is only 15 minutes away. This is the longest car ride she has been on since I brought her home. I'll try taking water from here next time we go. Do you just warm some chicken broth and poor over cooked white rice? She has had another run of the diarrhea today, so hoping I can get this under control before she misses a piddle pad and hits carpeting somewhere or before someone needs something else replaced besides a pillow!!
I agree about the water. Always take wter with you for your babies. We take a gallon with us when we go to Ohio to My mum in laws because Prissy gets a sick stomach if she drinks the water there. Hope Halle is feeling better soon.
just get like the minute rice type white rice and instead of using the water to boil it in, use the chicken broth - then I usually pour a little extra chicken broth on top when it's cooled. You can give her just that instead of food til her tummy feels better - i usually do at least 2 days of it, then start adding in dry food slowly
You can also give her plain yogurt - it's great for diarrhea and upset tummies - just put a couple of spoonfuls in her bowl and she'll lap it right up. When my new little girl came in with bloody diarrhea and we couldn't get the liquid flagyl compounded over the weekend, the vet had me give her that.
Because of her size - just keep on eye on her gums - they should be pink (or pinkish) - not white or pale - if they get pale - she could be dehydrating from the diarrhea. Just as an extra precaution - chi's are so small it won't take much for them to dehydrate