Hi, Thanks for inviting us. I adopted my little one on Sunday, May 20. The five hour drive was soooooo worth it. I fell in love with Trixi the first time I saw her picture. Trixi was born on March 10 in Summerville, GA. She weighs 1.5 pounds. As soon as I figure out how, I will add a picture of her. We also have a Dogster page; just enter Trixi. Looking forward to chatting...
Trixi!! So glad that you made it to the site, Welcome :) She is SUCH a cute chi, I can't wait to see more pics and get to know you both better. If you need help with posting or anything let me know. Also there is a thread in Chi Pics that explains how to do pictures. Welcome again and I hope you love it here and post lots!!!
Welcome Trixi and your new mom! We are so glad you have joined our family.. My gang of 8 chis and hubby and I live in Georgia also.. So we are especially glad to have another Georgian aboard..lol Looking forward to lots of pics of the baby and getting to know you both.. Deb
-- Edited by chideb at 22:13, 2007-05-23
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Hello Saldo and welcome to the Crossing! I think you'll enjoy your time here, and I really look forward to hearing all about and seeing lots of Trixie! She's adorble by the way, congratualtions!
I see you managed to figure out the picture thang, well done! If you need any help with the site just give me or one of our Admins a shout!
Wow, what a welcome. It is difficult to type right now, because Trixi is curled up asleep in my lap (where she spends the majority of her time). My husband went bike riding today and stopped off at Doggie Bowtique to buy Trixi new dresses. When the 'Princess' is awake I will make and post more pictures. Looking forward to learning more about Chi's. and chatting.
Hey we all understand about being "chi handicapped" when trying to type..lol Lots of lap warmers living in our homes who occasionally try to help us type our posts! I have a little munchkin chewing on my toes right now... There's another one behind my back in the chair trying to root me out..lol There's usually a couple scratchin' on my leg wanting to be picked up as well...Life with chis is never boring, usually entertaining and full of love... Aren't they grand??????????? Deb
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer