Hi everyone. Just been making yet another list of Chihuahua-ness, and wanted to double-check some stuff with you. Instead of posting all of the questions seperately I thought I'd just put them all together here and hopefully you can help with what you can. Thank you in advance Maybe this could be a sticky for first time owners?
1) What shots do they have to have? 2) How often do they have shots? 3) How much do the shots cost? 4) At what age should you microchip? 5) How much is microchipping? 6) How often for a general vet check? 7) How often do you brush their teeth, or do they have a tooth-cleaning-chew? 8) If you use toothpaste, what sort? 9) What sort of shampoo? 10) What size crate to put them in when I go out and they're shut in the crate? 11) Do they have a special seat-belt in the car? 12) Can you give them extra tablets, like vitamins? 13) Do they have to have special food/drink? 14) What sort of training is best? Clicker training or other? 15) What is the best way to toilet-train? Pads, or catflap, or outside, or litter tray? 16) Should you carry them all the time, or make them walk? 17) What sort of treats can they have? 18) What sort of general human food are they allowed? 19) What is the longest time you would leave your Chi alone for? 20) Do you recommened the specially-made-bags that you can carry them around in? 21) How often do you groom a short-hair? 22) When they are an adult, do you give them several small meals a day, or one big one? 23) What is the best age that they should leave their mum? 24) How do you not crush them in your sleep?? 25) How do you make sure they know they're loved?
Thank you again Becoming slightly obsessed with being the perfect mummy
1) What shots do they have to have? I just do what the dr. tells me, i got a little list and he checks them off when done and puts dates when the next one need to be done 2) How often do they have shots? I think once all their puppy shots are done it is 1x yearly, prior to that i believe they start at 6 weeks then 12 weeks then 18 weeks then one year?? I may be wrong 3) How much do the shots cost? Depends on what ones they need at that time and what vet you go to and where you live, i would estimate about 50 a year for Bella 4) At what age should you microchip? I would suggest doing at the same time you get him/her neutered/spayed, my vet said to wait on this until she weighed 2 or more lbs 5) How much is microchipping? again depends on place you live and vet you go too, at my vet I think it is 30 6) How often for a general vet check? 1x yearly 7) How often do you brush their teeth, or do they have a tooth-cleaning-chew? I don't brush Bella's teeth, although it would be a good idea, I give her bones and such to chew on for her teeth 8) If you use toothpaste, what sort? I don't use any but they sell it for dogs in a variety of flavors 9) What sort of shampoo? we use all natural oatmeal that I got at a natural grocery store, she has sensitive skin so this helps her 10) What size crate to put them in when I go out and they're shut in the crate? I don't use a crate so I have no experience with this 11) Do they have a special seat-belt in the car? They sell them, I have looked and looked but yet to find one that is small enough for Bella, they seam to all start at 10 or 15 lbs and Bella weighs 5 12) Can you give them extra tablets, like vitamins? I have no idea 13) Do they have to have special food/drink? fresh water daily, food is up too you really, there are many to choose from. It has been a battle with Bella because she has food allergies, we now are feeding her a prescription food that we get from the vet for dogs with ultra allergies 14) What sort of training is best? Clicker training or other? I have heard good things about clicker training, we trained her without and on our own, she does well, she sits, stays, high fives, gives ten and when in trouble all you have to say is "Bella you are naughty" and she will sit in her time out corner...she will stay there until she is told "okay" 15) What is the best way to toilet-train? Pads, or catflap, or outside, or litter tray? I think that really depends on you and what is best for your family and your home 16) Should you carry them all the time, or make them walk? make them walk, it is tempting to carry them but they are dogs and need exercise like everyone. I carry Bella into places because she gets scared if there is a lot of people but most places she walks. 17) What sort of treats can they have? any kind of dog treats, Bella LOVES puperoni 18) What sort of general human food are they allowed? I give human food every now and then but not often I don't want her to learn bad begging behaviors and she is allergic to so much I don't like to risk it 19) What is the longest time you would leave your Chi alone for? The longest Bella has been home alone...um...maybe around 5 or 6 hours. I wouldn't mind leaving her alone for a day if we were to take a long day trip that she could not go on, i would never leave her home alone over night however, I get a motel that accepts pets 20) Do you recommended the specially-made-bags that you can carry them around in? Only if you feel that you need one, I recommend walking as much as possible. I have one of the cute bags cause i wanted one. I use it as her "overnight" bag when we go places 21) How often do you groom a short-hair? Not sure, Bella is long hair, we bath one time monthly and trip her hair every 1 to 2 months, we live in AZ so others may not do it as frequent 22) When they are an adult, do you give them several small meals a day, or one big one? Bella is 1 and she eats in the morning and evening 23) What is the best age that they should leave their mum? not sure on this one either, i think most people say AT LEAST 12 weeks old 24) How do you not crush them in your sleep? I guess Bella just looks out for herself LOL she sleeps with me every night and no crushing yet hehe 25) How do you make sure they know they're loved? I get her toys, give her dog treats, talk to her all the time, kisses goodbye, good morning, goodnight ect. I pet her and hug her and play with her
Good questions hon! I'll do my best to answer them, but of course my answers are just my opinion and others will have different thoughts!
1) What shots do they have to have? As young pups they have Parovovirus, Distemper and Adenovirus 2) How often do they have shots? 2 as pups, then a yearly booster 3) How much do the shots cost? Roughly £30-£50 UK 4) At what age should you microchip? As soon as you bring puppy home! 5) How much is microchipping? Roughly £15-£30 UK 6) How often for a general vet check? Assuming nothing is wrong, anually 7) How often do you brush their teeth, or do they have a tooth-cleaning-chew? As often as possible 8) If you use toothpaste, what sort? 9) What sort of shampoo? A gentle shampoo, dog or baby 10) What size crate to put them in when I go out and they're shut in the crate? the same one as you use any other time 11) Do they have a special seat-belt in the car? 12) Can you give them extra tablets, like vitamins? Yes 13) Do they have to have special food/drink? Dog food and clean fresh water 14) What sort of training is best? Clicker training or other? I'd say Clicker as it's gentler 15) What is the best way to toilet-train? Pads, or catflap, or outside, or litter tray? I prefer outside personally 16) Should you carry them all the time, or make them walk? If they have legs they should walk! 17) What sort of treats can they have? fresh meat, dog chews, vegetables if they like them 18) What sort of general human food are they allowed? meat, vegetables 19) What is the longest time you would leave your Chi alone for? 5 hours 20) Do you recommened the specially-made-bags that you can carry them around in? only if you're going to be taking them somewhere that it's not safe for them to walk 21) How often do you groom a short-hair? I dont! lol Bath once every 6-8 weeks 22) When they are an adult, do you give them several small meals a day, or one big one? I free feed. One or two probably 23) What is the best age that they should leave their mum? 10-16 weeks 24) How do you not crush them in your sleep?? you learn QUICKLY! lol 25) How do you make sure they know they're loved?cuddle them, walk them, feed them!
Ok, as Jess said, everyone has their own opinion and here's mine :)
1) What shots do they have to have? Puppy shots should start no earlier than 7 weeks, it's a series of 3 shots. Rabies shouldn't be given til at least 12 weeks. NO MORE than one shot per visit. Yearly booster as last shot - i personally, do not vaccinate my dogs after their year booster (except rabies). There are many articles out now showing some repetitive shots can do more harm 2) How often do they have shots? As puppy, 3x series, then yearly booster. Everything after that is 3 year booster 3) How much do the shots cost? Here in new england they run $20 - $35 depending on shot 4) At what age should you microchip? As soon as you'd like 5) How much is microchipping? Again, here in new england anywhere from $28 - $50 6) How often for a general vet check? After 3x visit as puppy, yearly exams unless ill 7) How often do you brush their teeth, or do they have a tooth-cleaning-chew? depends on their diet - should be at least every week, if they eat raw veggies and/or bones (not rawhide), could be every couple of weeks. You need to just learn to check them often 8) If you use toothpaste, what sort? Beef or chix flavored doggie toothpaste 9) What sort of shampoo? depends on age of dog - if puppy, use puppy shampoo only and don't wash head and eyes - after 1 year can use dog shampoo. I recommend anything like oatmeal or with vitamin e in it 10) What size crate to put them in when I go out and they're shut in the crate? They should have enuf room to stand and move comfortably in the crate - but not enuf that they can poo and pee in crate and move away from it. I keep my chis in a baby playpen if i'm gone during day more than couple of hours so they have room to move and can have their food and water with them. At night they are in small, travel size crates 11) Do they have a special seat-belt in the car? not mine 12) Can you give them extra tablets, like vitamins? Yes - all my dogs are on somewhat natural (because i still add kibble) with vitamins, minerals and supplements 13) Do they have to have special food/drink? I use only bottled water because of problems with some areas with fluoride and/or chemicals in tap water. Plus it's easier if you travel - then you can just bring their water with them. Yes, mine are on special food as i make a majority of it. If puppy, just be sure they are on puppy kibble til at least 10 months. 14) What sort of training is best? Clicker training or other? Whatever works best for your dog - every dog is different. I use both clicker and treat incentive. Main thing is patience, love and gentleness 15) What is the best way to toilet-train? Pads, or catflap, or outside, or litter tray? I use both pads and outside, but prefer outside :) 16) Should you carry them all the time, or make them walk? Depends on where you'll be. Mine have bags that they go in if we take them to stores etc where it's not feasible for them to walk. But we also walk them as much as possible. Just be careful with the bags - a dog looks at those the same as a crate in that they are "their space" - some don't take kindly to strangers reaching hands in to touch them. 17) What sort of treats can they have? No rawhide til after 6 months, but other than that, make sure it's size appropriate - nothing too small to choke, but not too big either. Can make own or buy - also fresh veggies, cheese, etc. 18) What sort of general human food are they allowed? Almost anything EXCEPT grapes, chocolate, raisens and onions - these are poisonous to some dogs, but why take the risk your dog is one of the few. 19) What is the longest time you would leave your Chi alone for? Depends on age - if puppy, shouldn't be left more than couple of hours. General rule of thumb is you can't expect them to "hold it" for more hours than they are months, i.e., an 8 week old puppy can't be expected to hold it in for more than 2 hours. Also remember, chi's are prone to hypoglecemia (sp???), so they need to have food and water to eat if you leave them for any long periods. 20) Do you recommened the specially-made-bags that you can carry them around in? They are fine for trips where the dog can't walk - but see my note above about them 21) How often do you groom a short-hair? Not sure, i have only long hairs 22) When they are an adult, do you give them several small meals a day, or one big one? I would suggest always free feeding - mine (even my older 11 mo. olds), get 2 "special meals" which are the meals i cook - once in am, once in pm. but always have dry kibble available to them 23) What is the best age that they should leave their mum? No sooner than 8 weeks. Here in US it is illegal to sell a pup before 8 weeks. Most breeders will recommend not til 12-14 weeks, but it will depend on the size of the puppy 24) How do you not crush them in your sleep?? Can't answer that, mine are still young enuf (and getting into too much stuff LOL) that they sleep in crates in my room 25) How do you make sure they know they're loved? Be gentle, loving, show them affection and most of all - just spend time with them.
Ok, so for the sake of avoiding confusion I thought I would just add that vaccines are different in the US than in the UK. I think Dana answered very well for the US, and I think, I hope, I can answer for the UK. In the UK puppies have 2 lots of vaccines, 1 at 6 weeks, and 1 at 10 weeks. We dont have Rabies so no shots for that one. I think there is one similarity that we'll all agree on though, vaccines are VERY important and should always be given.
no rabies shots in UK? Wow, i didn't know that. What are two shots they give at 6 weeks and 10 weeks? Do they do the coronavirus there? there's some controversy over it here so I was curious. What about for kennel cough? do you guys do vaccine there? When I originally started with rescue, i always had puppies done in 3 week intervals starting at 6 weeks. Mainly because by 6 weeks we were showing pups to people and we didn't want a lot of people handling them before they were vaccinated. Then they started saying none before 7 weeks. Sometimes I wonder - things change so quickly about what they recommend. And I guess it depends on vet you go too.
Nope, we dont have the Rabies jab because we dont have Rabies here! SUCH a relief! The vaccines pups have are usually a mixture of a few which include Distemper, Parvovirus, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis,Parainfluenza, and Adenovirus administered at either 2 or 3 shots. Advances in Veterniary medication moves soooo fast I find it hard to keep up! I think the vaccines we have these days are just brilliant and I'm so pleased to have had Ellie when I did so I could make use of these amazing times!