Just wondering at what age do they start getting their puppy teeth. Tinker will be three months on the firs and her puppy teeth are just now coming in. Should I be worried, with Ariel they were already well in by then.
Just coming in as in just breaking thru gums? I'm no expert by any means - but i would have thought they would be in more by now - they need them to eat their dry food? I just got a new baby girl at 8 weeks and her's were in so I'm not sure.
I guess teeth could run same as human kids teeth - it just depends on pup/kid? Maybe someone else on here has more expertise - sorry i couldn't help more.
Yes as just coming through the gums. I have been feeding her wet food not even realizing that she didnt have any teeth. I never thought to check becuse whenI got Ariel at 8 wks she had her puppy teeth. Thanks!!
Wow - Tinker's you're small barely 1 lb pup right? If she hasn't had teeth yet - that could be way she's so tiny right now - she can't chew and break down the food? She may very well catch up in weight now with her teeth coming in :) As long as they're coming in now - it's probably ok. Are you sure she's 3 months? Could she actually be younger? If i remember correctly from having litters of other dogs - the teeth come in pretty early - cause they hurt the mom nursing as they get older :) and even with the bigger dogs I had, i didn't start to wean them til 5-6 weeks cause they could chew some softened food then. And they always had their teeth in enuf to eat dry food before I adopted them out at 8 weeks. Hmmmmmm - i haven't had a chi litter yet. Well, maybe someone else can be more help - i'll keep checking my books and see if i can find out anything else. You could always call your vet tomorrow and just check
Something just doesn't sound right.. I have raised pups in the past, a litter of chis and before that poodles.. Every pup I raised had their baby teeth in by 8 weeks old. I have never heard of a pup with no teeth at all at Tinker's age... When you took her to the vet for her health check and to start her shots, they should have noticed if she had no teeth and questioned her age...I would definitely contact my vet and take her in.. I would worry about her ability to eat properly.. Please let us know what your vet says... Deb
-- Edited by chideb at 18:06, 2007-06-24
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
I actually saw this post yesterday but thoght I'd wait for someone else to reply first as I thought I must have misunderstood wht you meant. Your 3 month old pup didn't have any teeth?! That really doesn't sounds right. I would be getting that pup down to teh Vet pronto and also contacting the breeder. Puppies should have all their teeth through by about 5 weeks I think.
Just wanted to let everyone know that the vet stated that her teeth are probably just coming in due to the size, she is very small for her age. She had a sister that was her size that did not make it. Her tail has been broke, not sure in birth or by the children of whom Tinker came from at birth. I didn't pay anything for her so going back to the breeder might cause friction. I am just gonna give her extra tlc, and she will be on wet food till her teeth come in more so she can eat dry food. Thanks for eveyones advice.
Wow Erika... sounds like little Tinker sure needed a good home and someone who will take extra special care of her.. I am so glad you had the vet check her.. and sorry to hear her little tail has been broken.. That poor little baby just needs a whole lot of special attention, care and love... and it sounds like you are working hard to give her everything she needs.. Please watch her blood sugar levels, and keep a tube of Nutrical supplement on hand at all times.. When they are very tiny, chi pups are subject to dangerously low blood sugar... and Nutrical can actually save the pups life until you can get her to the vet... When I brought Bandy home he was only 9 ounces at 5 weeks old and Nutrical was a lifesaver for him during those early weeks.. Bless you and little Tinker.. Deb
-- Edited by chideb at 20:54, 2007-06-25
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Thanks, I have already been giving her Tinker and Ariel a half of a gluco tab everyday, for I am hypoglycemic and know what it is to have low sugar and the affects of it. I also have nutra cal. So again thank you for everyones advice. I look forward to seeing Tinker row and become stronger everyday.
When I mentioned getting in touch with the breeder it wasn't necessarily to complain, more just ask if she's had this before and as most breeders love to hear updates on their dogs they've placed. Also, if she knows this happened because of her pups extra small size then hopfully it'll make her stop and think if she should be breeding so small, cos this is not normal. Poor Tinker!
I couldn't agree with Deb more, we DO need to see little Tinker grow and we're also in short supply of pics of Ariel! So get postin' girlie! lol
Good to hear the vet say it is okay. I guess chis are just like humans. Everything at a different pace. I had one son that didn't get a tooth til he was 11 mos. old. Glad Tinker has such a loving forever home where there will be plenty of TLC for her.