I am looking at getting a different harness for my Jelly Bean. The Puppia ones are great, but she hates the way it goes over her head so I want one that doesnt do that. I found this one online just now, what d'you guys think of it? Also, how do you think it does up? Do you think it is velcro on that slightly longer, sticking out part under the clip? (did that makes sense?! )
Looks to me like that might indeed be velcro. I like the look of it. I bet she'd like it. Also, did you ever have a glance at the Buddy Belts? They just step into those and so would not have to go over her head.
Thanks hon, it's good to know you think the same! I have looked at the Buddy Belt, but I was looking for something a little more padded. It just looks a bit too bare for me.
Yeah, if it is velcro, you'd need to keep the velcro area good and clean and lint free, so it's keep closing properly. But with a smaller chi and one trained well on a leash, it would prob work pretty well.
I was thinking that exact same thing girls! However, my man is quite a dab hand with a needle, perhaps he could be persuaded to but a button or two on it? x