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Adult Chi

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Our new chi girl
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I went to the air port and got our new Chihuahua on Thursday. So much happen to me that day, here we go. I got lost at the Pittsburgh air port. I couldn't find my way out for some reason. I couldn't find 79 south.
I think Pittsburgh is very confusing. Every road I took kept taking me back to the air port as well. I swear I thought the air port was stalking me.
Finally I got home, this little pup was so scared she was in the back of the crate and wouldn't come out.
So the next morning I had to take them to the vet. I was exhausted due to not getting home until after 12 am since I got lost and not to mention Lilly had a layover in Houston, TX. They had a storm so she was two and a half hours late.
Now I'm the type of person who can't be late for anything. I was early we got to cargo at 3: PM and didn't get Lilly in our possession until a quarter till eight. I was afraid to leave because I don't know my way around well there so I didn't want to get lost, yet when we left I still got lost.
Any how she growled at me the next day that would be Friday. I finally just took her crate and put her out on the floor and started petting her. Then I picked her up and loved on her most of the morning.
At the vets office we found out that she may have cherry eye. I thought maybe she had just scratched it but it may be more than that. They gave me drops for her to get every eight hours.
If it is cherry eye then she would need surgery, as you can tell the bad trip hasn't ended yet.

My house is armed with three alarm Chihuahuas.

Adult Chi

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Friday was something after the vet visit Lilly and I took a walk out side and she finally pooped because she hadn't done that yet, I was getting worried.
Today being Saturday, she is doing much better, we have introduced her to the other dogs. She still wants to growl at them some, she growls at the kids a lot, she growled at my husband and tried to nip him once.
That was it I said NO in a firm voice, took her to her crate, in a firm voice I said, GO TO BED, and put her in her crate for a time out.
When she got out she was a bit better, she wants me to hold her all the time and growls at anyone who comes near, I had Kevin hold her some to get her use to others.
She is afraid of everything. I'm working real hard for her to fall for us. We love her already she is home I'm sure we can work it all out, yet any advice will be appreciated.
Here are some pictures for you all to enjoy.
Take a look at her right eye it is a little red any advice on that will be appreciated to.

My house is armed with three alarm Chihuahuas.

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Brenda, What did the vet say about Lilly's eye when you took her Friday? Did he suspect she has a "cherry eye?" I know bulldogs and cocker spaniels are more prone to the condition than a lot of other breeds. I have not come across a chi with it before, but from the picture of her up close.. it does look suspicious. I am concerned about a breeder that would sell and ship Lilly without mentioning the eye problem to you prior to her arrival. I also would question the amount of socialization Lilly was given as a baby based on the fear, nipping and shyness she has displayed since you picked her up. How old is Lilly now? Have you purchased from this breeder previously for either one of your other chis?

Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Senior Chi

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Oh Brenda - i'm sorry you're having such a hard time with Lilly :( - i know you were so looking forward to her arriving
I've no experience with cherry eye so can't give you help there.  But I agree with Deb that the breeder should have known something was wrong.

As far as the lack of socialization - which is probably what she has - my best advice is take it slow.   Have her crate in the living room and just let her get used to the noises in your house, the kids being around, the other dogs - without making her come out and "participate in anything".  A few times a day, open the door and quietly sit (all of you) in the room.  Don't move towards her - don't touch her - let her come to you.  If you try to force her, she will get "defensive".   My Bindi was similar to this when we got her - not growling and nipping but very scared, barking, running away.   It took quite some time but we finally got her to come around.  We did this with the crate a few times every day until she became more comfortable.  A word of caution about picking her up and holding her all the time - if she hasn't had much socialization, she will pick one of you to "adhere" to (and it looks like you) and will/can get upset if she thinks anyone is going to separate her from you - hence the growling, nipping at anyone who comes near you.  As hard as it is, and as much as you want to (i know i did), try not to do this.   Have your kids sit in the room too - dont' put their hands out or anything - just sit quietly.  It may just take her some time to get used to everyone and everything.  We got my Bindi at 4 months and it took a good month before anyone besides me could pick her up - and that was only my oldest who could.  By 6 months she was letting my other 2 kids hold her and carry her up to bed and was turning into a general lovebug.  Now at 7 months, she's even getting used to hubby LOL.   He was the last she was having trouble with - barking at him all the time.  But he's not around much so she had trouble "bonding" with him.   But, even tho she's still a bit skittish around him - she sneaks over to sniff him and to get a back scratch if she thinks we're not looking :)  She even started jumping into the bed with him in morning if Bella and Bruno are there (he works nights so all the chis enjoy their morning "naptime" with him LOL)
Good luck with her eye - let us know how it goes



Adult Chi

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Yea Brody and Blaze came from the same breeder. Lilly is four and a half months old. I feel if we give her time and love lots and lots of love she should be fine. I have heard it take loads of time and lots of love when they are like this.hmm
Yea the vet does think it is cherry eye. I also wrote and chatted with the breeder last night about it after we saw the vet. I told her that Lilly was acting more than a little shy, because she told me Lilly was a little shy.
She is already better tonight than she was all day yesterday.aww
If she improves as much everyday she will be a new puppy in no time. She has sweet potential aww poor puppy. aww
I also mentioned the eye and she said she had her to the vet for the vet exam and didn't see it. Also in all the pictures she sent me prior to the flight I never saw this.hmm
Also when I got her she didn't have hardly any eye matter, yet it was red like it was scratched. Now it has a lot of eye matter. I wipe it with a warm wet cloth and use the drops every eight hours like the vet said to do.
 So I don't think it was like that when she had her, also the vet and I talked about maybe this coming out so bad and now because of her stress level.
She has blown her coat as well because of her stress. Just shedding all over the place more than any Chihuahua I have ever seen.
I also understand that Chihuahua in general, loves their master with all their being and all their soul. When they are already attached to someone and that person gives them away they are heart broken, devastated, it hurts their heart.
I could hear her little tummy gurgling last night because she was so upset.
I just sat there and rubbed her little tummy.
I loved on her and she now wants me to hold her all the time, she follows me all over the house, she wants to sit at my feet when I make supper or anything in the kitchen.
When my husband holds her she follows me all over the house with her head and eyes. I feel so bad for her. We all just want to love her, she will see that I'm sure. I will keep you all posted about her eye and how her temperament gets.smileaww

My house is armed with three alarm Chihuahuas.

Adult Chi

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Hey Sue,
She doesn't want to stay in the crate now when she is in it with the door closed she sets and howls.
She is doing better running around with the other Chihuahuas.
My husband held her tonight and rocked her in the chair, she still wants me to hold her. I have a few times then I put her down, she will stand with her paws on my legs like she wants me to pick her up.
Sometimes these little Chihuahuas take the move hard. I will love her though. Also again with the eye yea we do think it is cherry eye and I'm using the drops so if it doesn't get better in a month me and our vet are going to talk about surgery.hmm
It is hard for me not to pick her up (I do want to real bad) because I know she is hurting poor baby. I can't stand that. Right now she is out of the pen and not right by me I think she did go somewhere to sleep so that is good.
I know she will get better, We plan to work with her all of us. I tried the crate earlier and she started howling wanting out. I had the girls set on the floor and I opened the door, she came our and ran straight to me and climbed up on my lap. She shook like she was scared to death. But I can see where she is getting better. I'm sure it will just take time. Thank you for the ideas I will try all that to. Every little bit helps.wink
Oh she is doing good with the dogs, even Blaze who is gitty. I have never met a chihuahua like Blaze, she is the most lovey dog she just beats herself with her tail and wants to love everyone and everything.aww
Lilly does good with Blaze, her and Brody have had little growling matches but they were chasing each other earlier and playing. That's a good sign, I think.

My house is armed with three alarm Chihuahuas.

Adult Chi

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Congratulations on your new chi. I think you and your family are doing a great job with her.
I'm sure it will just take time for her to settle into your household.

Not sure if you have tried this, but when our chis were new they always felt safer being cuddled w/ a little fleece blanket. My son would (and still does) bribe the chis into sitting with him, by having a blanket on the couch with him.

BTW-She is so adorable. Loved the pictures.


Adult Chi

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Ok I've found out some more about Cherry Eye, it is hereditary so I will never be able to breed Lilly. I will have to have her spayed. My husband is having a fit. He said that I'm taking three steps forward and two back. Of course that is my luck.hmm
She slept in bed with us last night right beside me. Brody slept under the covers like he always does. It worked out. aww
I like her a lot. I just think she is so beautiful. Of course we are looking for Chihuahuas to breed and if she can't be bred would it be crazy for me to keep her? I'm in love with this dog now I took her in and she likes me a lot, I feel like I would be another human to be abandoning her I don't think that is right, I feel it will ruin what is left of her trust factor. cry
I need some sound advice what do I do? If I give her back then she may not get the attention that she needs. I can see that in how she is scared of everything. She is starting to come out of her shell some but she did bark and growl at my husband today and she tried to nip him again when he petted her.
I don't want to add to that. Yet I need to get Chihuahuas that will add to my showing and breeding ideas. I'm just freaked out now none of this has went right. Please any advice would be great. Who know one of you may have a good idea that I haven't thought of yet.confusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused

My house is armed with three alarm Chihuahuas.


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I am sorry that this has all worked out as it has. She is a beautiful little girl. I hate that she has the cherry eye and you won't be able to breed her. It would be so hard for me to give her up. I wish you luck with making a decision. Seems you are giving her lots of good love and care. Keep us updated please.


Adult Chi

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Her breeder has offered that if I keep her she will sell me a Merle pup my pick of the litter for $400. That sounds good to me I may do that.
I like her even though I"m the only one she likes LOL but I'm sure I can work with her and get her to like everyone so we will see. The vet wants me to give her these drops for a month and then we will see. I will probably keep her so I don't know.
I will let you all know. I'm glad the breeder is willing to work with me and help me out and isn't just like oh well hate it for ya. That makes all the difference in the world. My worry is LILLY she is my priority one, I want to do what is best for her. Then we will decide everything else.

My house is armed with three alarm Chihuahuas.

Adult Chi

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Gosh, I am almost in tears thinking of your little Lilly!!!! I am appalled that she was shipped in the plane via cargo. That alone is more than enough for her to be scared to death. I am a flight attendant and am always seeing small dogs on the plane. Why didn't the breeder arrange to have her inside the cabin????? It makes me sick when I hear the bigger dogs down below howling and crying. There have been times when I have sent the pilot down to the cargo area and had him bring up a small dog. Sounds like poor Lilly has been traumatized. Please........keep doing what you are doing and give her tons of unconditonal love!!


Jill <a href="" targ

Adult Chi

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Thank you all so much for your concern and your comments. It isn't working out with Lilly. She hates everyone she has nipped my Husband again, she also went after my 23 month old last night. I have arranged for her to go home to the breeder.tears.gif
I'm so upset, I wish she was as kind to them as she is to me. I also know that Continental is the only air lines with climate control and many people I know who have to ship only ship with that air lines and if they can't use them they don't ship.tears.gif
Sometimes that is the only way to get from point (A) to point (B) without having to drive for three days. I live clear up here in West Virginia and the breeder lives clear down in Louisiana.steaming.gif
I have had Chihuahuas shipped this same exact way and they were fine, no this is different. This is beyond her being a little shy, this dog is like Cojo in Chihuahua form. I can't have her biting my children and running after them. I will not have that.steaming.gif
I have arraigned for her to fly home today I'm so sorry to have to do it but I have no choice. I'm so upset with all of this it has just been awful. I have been literally sick with all this.sniff.gif
On a brighter note I have found a real nice breeder who shows her dogs and has puppies every now and then, she lives close enough for me to drive and meet her and I think that is better.sniff.gif
I wanted to mention that three different vets looked at Lilly and they all said that she has cherry eye they say the breeder had to know she had that before she sent her to me. Also the one senior vet said that he doubts that all this anger toward my family is all due to the flight. He agrees that she should be warming up to us by now, and she isn't. It was to the point at this last visit we had to put the muzzle on her.sniff.gif
I would love to find a real nice show quality pup by next year when I take the handler classes, that would be cool.relax.gif

My house is armed with three alarm Chihuahuas.

Adult Chi

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Also, I didn't know you could do that have one put in the cabin. How do you arrange that? When I called Continental they have a pet program for your dogs and cats so I went with that. I just want to get her home so my kids and other Chihuahuas can run around the house free again.

My house is armed with three alarm Chihuahuas.

Senior Chi

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I've been following along reading this for a while. I'm so sorry it didn't work out for you. For what it's worth, I think you are doing the right thing. I know it doesn't lessen the pain, but you'll be in my thoughts today as you send her back. I wish you all the best in your search for your next dog. You deserve some good luck this time.

Karen and the Wee Kids!

Link of the week! NEW March17th.
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Senior Chi

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You have done all that you could to help Lilly.... I am sad things just aren't working out, but I too feel you are doing the right thing. Lilly will probably adjust in a home with a single person and no other pets or children. Hopefully her breeder will be more diligent in selecting a new owner for her and be certain that she explains Lilly's physical and emotional issues before hand... I also agree with the vet that the breeder had to be aware of the "cherry eye" and nipping problems prior to shipping her. Buyer beware.. My prayers are with appear to be a very caring lady... Deb

Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Adult Chi

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I'm so sorry to hear all that. I fly for Continental. I don't know anything about the fares and the programs and all that as I fly for free. However, I will check into seeing about what the rules are for pets that are unaccompanied. Not that it's unsafe to be in the cargo area it's just more convienent for the animal to be inside the main cabin. Good luck with your next puppy!!


Jill <a href="" targ

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I'm soo sorry it didn't work out - but you've tried your best.   Know that my thoughts are with you - it's got to be heart-wrenching - you can get attached so quickly to these little babes.

As far as shipping - cargo is the only way any airline will ship an animal unless you are on the plane with them so you did the right thing there too.

Northwest does offer a separate "animal cargo" VIP service - but it's still in a cargo hold area of plane

Continental is the only one that will ship during summer months as they don't have temperature restrictions that other airlines do (the other airlines also have climate controlled areas but still refuse to ship over 85 degrees and under 25 degrees).  I've had dogs shipped by Northwest, Delta and Continental.  By far, my favorite is Northwest - the animals are taken off and brought to the ticket offices for pickup - seem to get a little more attention.  Delta and Continental only ship to cargo pickup areas.   From my experience, Delta has been worse so far.  Continental wasn't bad - just extremely long flights for the poor dogs.

Again Brenda, i'm sorry you had to go thru this.  I hope you find another pup soon



Senior Chi

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Oh my gosh, what a nightmare for you and Lilly. I know you wanted it to work out badly and had probably really been looking forward to Lilly's arrival. Then when all this transpired it was heartbreaking. Is the breeder going to refund your money??????Her color is a lot like my Roxie Anna but Lilly has more of the "deer head" than Roxie. And Roxie had more of the "deer head shape" than my Abby who is an apple head. The breeeder I got Roxie from said she was an apple head didn't turn out that way. I hope you can find a wonderful puppy near your home town.


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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I'm so sorry to hear all the problems you have had with Lilly. I know how quickly w give our hearts to our babies. I hope all turns out well for Lilly as it is probably scary for her too. I hope yu find another pup soon that will fit in with your family. She s sure a pretty girl. I love her coloring. I hope the breeer will take care of her eye too. Let us kno how things go for you.

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