Poor Corona hates her harness and I can't figure out why. Originally we had one that had to go over her head, she hated that one for obvious reasons, but she now has a buddy belt so it is not awkward or painful. But as soon as we go to put it on her, her ears drop and she is reluctant to put her feet through it and just overall sad/upset about it. Once it's on, she seems fine and will do everything in it... play, eat, sleep etc. I don't want it to get to the point where she runs away when she sees it, but it looks like we're heading in that direction pretty quickly.
Switching to the Buddy Belt was a great idea. The Buddy Belt is usually much preferred by dogs. Seems it's just the actual act of getting into the harness she dislikes. Maybe try this, after every time she gets into the harness, reward her. Like with a lot of praise or a treat she really loves. That might make her associate the harness with something good. Like she knows if the harness goes on, she gets her special treat, so then maybe she will grow to realize that the harness is a good thing and if she gets into it, she gets her reward.
My Hershey loves his harness. I managed this by using the method above. Hershey only gets into his harness if he is going for a ride in the van, so he knows that if I get the harness, he is going riding. Now if I pick up that harness, he is SO eager to jump right in it. He associates the harness with a reward, whick is getting to go riding. Best of luck with it, hopefully Corona will learn to love it too.
As a fellow Buddy Belt user, I've noticed that Radar also tends to somewhat fight when I put it on him. I think it's that he doesnt wanna put his legs in the holes...LoL! But, once it's on, he's fine. I dunno what it is. I'm sorry I don't have any advice for you, but maybe someone here will.
Ellie is the same, she knows that if I pick up her harness it means she's going out, which makes her bounce around in excitment, but the actual putting it on is harder. But then, she has a Puppia harness that goes over her head. I've been meaning to get her a new one, one that doen't go over her head.
I think Jenn's idea of treating is a very good one. I would give that a go if you can! Let us know how it goes?