Mater has had diarrhea for the last few days, and now he has little drops of blood after he goes. I called the vet and they said to bring a stool sample in, which I did, and it was neg. Then they said to try him on white rice and chicken, and i did, and he held it down for a couple of hours, then threw it up. So I went to the vet again and picked upspecial food for gastrointestinal problems, and the vet tech told me to fast him (food and water) for 24hrs, is this normal and ok for a chihuahua? I made sure she knew he was 5 months old and a chi, and she said yes, and it could very likely fix his problem. Then to introduce him slowly to the new food. I just don't know, no water seems wrong, I don't want him to get dehydrated. Moms chihuahua Chica had this bug, then Merrie got it, now Mater. Chica basically threw up, Merrie had diarrhea, and it was out of her system in about 24hrs, and Mater has been doing both, and just wanting to sleep all day. I was hoping you guys could give me some advice, thanks.
I would not with hold all water for fear of dehydration. Maybe some ice cubes to lick on if he drinks too much at a time, and then throws it up. Poor little Mater and a worried Mommy too I am sure. I would offer some ice cubes at least.
No water for 24 hours PLUS the runs sounds like a disaster in the making. Any time I've fasted andyone with digestive problems, I was always told to offer them small amounts of water every few hours. The only time any of my dogs was fasted without water was when Yoshi had pancreatitis. But he was in ICU at the vets and on IV's to keep him hydrated. And he wasn't a baby. I hope Mater gets better quick. I think I'd call back and double check that in the morning though.
Lisa, I am so sad to know Mater is sick.. Poor little guy. Anything I offer in the way of advice is based solely on my personal experience with my own doggies and should always be considered just my own opinion...I would definitely not withhold water from Mater.. and I would offer him some yogurt. I have found the yogurt helpful in supplying the "good" bacteria needed when they have these types problems and it is bland enough for them to keep it down. Please let us know how Mater is doing.. Deb
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Ok, thanks so much. I am so worried about him. He doesn't want water tho, I have tried numerous times. I have tried yogurt with acidophilus, and he had no interest in it. I wish he would drink water, I might try force feeding him a bit with a syringe.
Lisa, I realize you may think I am nuts, but do you have any pedeolite like you use for the kids when they are little? I would use that instead of water if you use the syringe... It will add the fluids he needs as well as build up his system. Also, when mine were sick and wouldn't take water, I have used "cool pops" or popsicles and let them lick on them.. Again it adds fluids and the "sugar" that they need. If that doesn't work, I would use Nutri-Cal which can be put on the roof of the mouth or tongue and they have to swallow it... I know how scary this can be, and I am certainly praying for Mater and for you.
-- Edited by chideb at 00:12, 2007-09-26
-- Edited by chideb at 00:12, 2007-09-26
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Lisa, I realize you may think I am nuts, but do you have any pedeolite like you use for the kids when they are little? I would use that instead of water if you use the syringe... It will add the fluids he needs as well as build up his system. Also, when mine were sick and wouldn't take water, I have used "cool pops" or popsicles and let them lick on them.. Again it adds fluids and the "sugar" that they need. If that doesn't work, I would use Nutri-Cal which can be put on the roof of the mouth or tongue and they have to swallow it... I know how scary this can be, and I am certainly praying for Mater and for you.
-- Edited by chideb at 00:12, 2007-09-26
-- Edited by chideb at 00:12, 2007-09-26
Naw, I know your not nuts Deb, and I appreciate all your help. I don't have any pedialite, but I did buy freezies in case of an emergency like this. I did give him a bit of nutristat twice today. I will try the freezies, hopefully that will work. Thanks again
Ok, I tried to give him the freezie, and he had no interest at all. I will try water in a syringe, then in a while give him a bit more Nutiristat later.
Ok, I force fed him some water, and he actually took it really well, 3 full droppers! YAY! And a bit more Nutristat. So I will probably give him another dropper full of water before I go to bed, then set my alarm for a couple hours later to check on him. I am just so happy about the water tho :)
Phew, I am happy to report, Mater seem to be doing better this morning!! YAY! Even tho he is still fasting, he definately showed a bit of interest in the food the other two were eating, and he peed when we went outside, and also drank water a couple of times. What a relief!! He also has a bit of spunk back, he was initiating play time this morning. My Mater Man is back :) Thank you to everyone for all you well wishes and support, I really appreciate it!
Lisa, so sorry to hear Matter was feeling ill. Glad to hear he is doing better this morning. Way to go Deb, You always come through with such good advice. I will have to remember this if one of mine falls ill. Do keep us updated on Mater and give him an extra hug from Oklahoma. I too said a prayer for him as soon as I started to read this thread.
Well, I am happy to announce that Mater is feeling much, much better tonight! We just came inside from some playtime, and he ran around lots, did lots of playing, and seems to be back to his old-young self again, lol. He has been drinking water, and eating the gastrointestinal food the vet gave me, and it seems to be going well :) Wow, what a relief!!!
Argh, I hate being away! I've missed soooo much! Lisa, I cant believe Mater went through all that, the poor baby! And it must've been awful for you too sweetie! Thank heavens he has managed to sort himself out! Phew!
Argh, I hate being away! I've missed soooo much! Lisa, I cant believe Mater went through all that, the poor baby! And it must've been awful for you too sweetie! Thank heavens he has managed to sort himself out! Phew!
Well, Merrie started to do the same thing the next day, so I immediately put her on the same diet, I didn't want to go through that again, poor little guys, it is so hard on them! They are still on mostly rice, but I am slowly weaning them back onto their kibble, so hopefully all goes well!! And yes, it was horrible, but I had lots of support here, and that helped so much.