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Abby at Vets In Pain
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We had to leave Abby at the Vets screaming out in pain. It started last night. Will post more later. They are doing some test now. I am devastated.tears.gif I don't know what is wrong. She had a different kind of treat that my stepson brought in and gave her but she has an iron clad tummy; and she and Roxie were wrestling so I just don't know. The treat was Peanutz or someting like that from Petsen$e with apples,blueberries,lots of good natural sounding things. Keep us in your thoughts.


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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Awww Becky, of course I will keep you and Abby in my thoughts, I am so sorry she isn't feeling well. Hopefully it isn't anything serious and she will be back home with you shortly. Sending well wishes your way, Lisa


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Thanks Lisa, I am just as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs waiting for the vets office to call me..... :(


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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OH Becky, I can't imagine how upset you must be! I'll keep you and Abby in my prayers. Do keep us posted when you can. I'm hoping she is just a little drama queen like my Angel Marie and the screaming isn't related to anything TOO serious.

Karen and the Wee Kids!

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Becky, I am so sorry to hear Abby is sick.. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your chi baby..Please let us know how she is doing.. Deb

Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer

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Oh Becky... I am sending positive vibes and thoughts down your way!!! I can so understand why you are upset.




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OMG I am so sorry, I am praying that whatever this is passes easily and smoothly! Please let us know asap.


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We got a call to be at the Vets office to meet with the Vet at 5 o'clock that Abby had patellar luxation in both back legs. I thought nah !!! Wrong!! It was the front paw she was holding up AND she was not having her legs moved when she went into spasms yelping in the car and even pooped on me and was wanting to bite at me she was hurting so badly. The girls in the office had not told him everything correctly when we had to leave her without seeing him since he was gone. We retold the whole episode about how she and Roxie and been playing chase and then got on the bed playing etc and then Roxie came out but it was several minutes later before Abby came into the den just crawling down the hall. She went and hid under a chair and we knew something was wrong. When we went toward her she went to yelping and panting and shaking. That went on for several minutes. I finally got her from under the chair to a spot under an end table where I could see her a little better and she would go wild with pain if you even tried to touch her. As long as she was laying down flat she was semi okay. But if she ever moved the shaking and panting and crying in pain would start all over again. I knew the signs of severe pain were the shaking and panting. She would not try to jump up in our lap or even want in the bed a t bedtime. She slept ina bed on the floor all night. Never tried to get on a chair all day and she stays in my hubbys recliner. Then Dr. S. says that sounds like back problems to me. Sounds like she has a pinched nerve from turning and rolling from playing . So she is on predisone,muscle relaxer, and a pain reliever.She has to be kept from running and playing as she gets better andno jumping any more if we can prevent it. Oh poor Roxie will not have anyone to rough house with now. The Doc says once the back is hurt it is easier to get injured again. And he told us what a back surgery would cost !!! I guess she was having muscle spasm last night also when the nerve got pinched. She took all the meds with a little persuasion of cheese and baked chicken chunks and is laying in a soft bed here beside me now at the computer. Certainly does not feel well but not crying out.


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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Becky, I had that happen with one of my dogs when he was young. They told me the same stuff, possibly surgery, etc. He has NEVER had another episode. So don't worry too much about the future for little Abby yet. I'm glad she is home and resting and it was nothing more serious. Give her a kiss, poor baby. I know it was very serious to her, it's amazing how loud they can holler, isn't it?

Karen and the Wee Kids!

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Thanks for the update Becky. I am glad to hear it isn't anything life threatening, but still it is hard, the poor baby! I hope that the meds work well for her and help the pain. I can't imagine how scared and upset you have been! Give her a gentle cuddle for me, and I hope she recovers quickly!


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Becky, I am so glad little Abby is home and it was not something life threatening.. the muscle relaxers and pain meds will enable you to keep any discomfort under control.. We have both for our little Bandy.. because of a curvature in his front shoulder.. Periodically, he will hurt it while playing with the others and just cry like a baby.. It causes him to have a limp and to hop like Pepe le Phew when he tries to I will continue to pray for little Abby's recovery.. Deb

Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer

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You are all so sweet. Thank you for the encouragement. She feels better at times today and want to get up and play but themn you can tell she has over done and goes back and gets in her bed. Also I can tell right before it is time for more muscle relaxer. I think she will be alright in a couple of weeks. I just hope it does not happen again. This is the first time we have had one of the chi's really in pain and it just has really upset my husband and I both. He is a big teddy bear where Abby is concerned and even wanted to blame Roxie for the injury. I told him it was no ones fault. It just happened while they were playing probably. We are not 100% sure how it happened and never will be. It could have even happened as she jumped OFF the bed after Roxie left the room. But Abby is his first love. I love them both
the same amount but Abby as an older pup and Roxie more as a baby still.


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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That is good news Becky, thanks for the update. It is so scary when something happens to one of our babies, thank goodness she will be feeling better soon! Let us know how she is progressing:)


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So sorrry that I am coming up on this post so late! Give that lil angel a kiss on the head for me.



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So sorry to hear little Abby is hurting. will pray fo a quick and full recovey for her.

chidad3rd.pngLouise E Williams Siggy by Rosa

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I am having to get very sneaky with this medicine now.;0) Abby is getting cautious of cheese or chicken. I fixed hubby a BLT for supper and snitched a half piece of bacon and sandwiched the two meds between little pieces of that tonight and she went after it. One I have to crush and the other just cut in half.


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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Nana_Becky wrote:

I am having to get very sneaky with this medicine now.;0) Abby is getting cautious of cheese or chicken. I fixed hubby a BLT for supper and snitched a half piece of bacon and sandwiched the two meds between little pieces of that tonight and she went after it. One I have to crush and the other just cut in half.

Here is my pill trick. I buy the human baby Gerber meat sticks. They look like tiny hot dogs. I cut one into four pieces. I use two of those pieces for a pill. Put the other two away for next time. First, I cut one piece in half. Then I hide the pill in the bigger piece. I give them the  smaller pieces first and get the "Ooooohhhh, that is so good can I have more, huh, can I, can I, can I?" going in their brain. LOL Then I give them the bigger piece with the pill. They are SO happy to get another piece it is gone before they can think about it. Works like a charm.
Well except for Angel. She HATES pills and if she is not feeling well she assumes anything I give her might be "tainted" with medicine. <g> I fake her out totally though. She loves maple and brown sugar instant oatmeal. And she LOVES to get up on the table and sneak my food if I turn my back. So I make oatmeal, eat most of it, hide the pill in the last bite and "accidentally" walk away from the table. When I "catch" her eating the oatmeal, I act all annoyed. She thinks she has SO gotten one over on me. If she figures that out ever, I'm in trouble. LOL

Karen and the Wee Kids!

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WeeKidsMom wrote:

Nana_Becky wrote:

I am having to get very sneaky with this medicine now.;0) Abby is getting cautious of cheese or chicken. I fixed hubby a BLT for supper and snitched a half piece of bacon and sandwiched the two meds between little pieces of that tonight and she went after it. One I have to crush and the other just cut in half.

Here is my pill trick. I buy the human baby Gerber meat sticks. They look like tiny hot dogs. I cut one into four pieces. I use two of those pieces for a pill. Put the other two away for next time. First, I cut one piece in half. Then I hide the pill in the bigger piece. I give them the  smaller pieces first and get the "Ooooohhhh, that is so good can I have more, huh, can I, can I, can I?" going in their brain. LOL Then I give them the bigger piece with the pill. They are SO happy to get another piece it is gone before they can think about it. Works like a charm.
Well except for Angel. She HATES pills and if she is not feeling well she assumes anything I give her might be "tainted" with medicine. <g> I fake her out totally though. She loves maple and brown sugar instant oatmeal. And she LOVES to get up on the table and sneak my food if I turn my back. So I make oatmeal, eat most of it, hide the pill in the last bite and "accidentally" walk away from the table. When I "catch" her eating the oatmeal, I act all annoyed. She thinks she has SO gotten one over on me. If she figures that out ever, I'm in trouble. LOL

ROFLMAO!!!!  You must be a parent, lol!!  Good trick, hehehe.....I can just picture that senario at the table, and it is too funny!  Be careful not to get caught tho, something tells me that you'd be in BIG trouble!!!

My mom bought some little treats from the vets (and I have seen them at the pet store too), they are called "pill pockets", my dogs, and her dogs for that matter go nuts over them!  They are really soft and squishy little tubes abut an inch long that you can fit a pill inside, then squish the pocket shut around it.  Works wonderfully!


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Are we crazy over these dogs or what? I am sitting here laughing at what we have tried to do to get medicine down them instead of just holding them and prying their mouths open and poking it in. Of course with her hurt back I wold be afraid that I would hurt her more. Oh my goodness, I have actually had to straddle my kids in the floor before to get meds down them when they were small, and here we are hiding it in food for the dogs. HaHa


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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So true, lol! Although, when our kids are/were sick when they were smaller, they could tell us what hurt, and we could explian that the medicine was important, etc.... But I have to say there was a time or two when they were pretty young I can remember them refusing medicine and me having to "make" them take it whether they wanted to or not. I have had to wrap Merrie in a towel before because she squirms soooo much, but most of the time a piece of deli turkey wrapped around her worm pill works wonders :)


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Becky, reading through this thread is heart breaking dear. I'm so sorry that your baby is having to experience such pain. I know how hard it is for you to watch and cope with it. One trick I used to sneak meds in is using a dab of peanut butter... not much, just a dab will usually do it. Most dogs will eagerly lick it up.

My thoughts and prayers are with you... looking forward to seeing updates on her progress.


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Nina all I do is hand her the pill and tell her to eat it and she does but she is the only one. Taco bites and snarls at pills I hide them in lunch meat and cheese and he might eat it. The rest of them I crush the pills and mix them in wet dog food. Taco will get sore when he jumps of the bed sometimes but it goes away after a few days


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We are much better with no crying now but moving slowly at times. Have to slowing wean off the prednisone over the next two weeks now. Only doing muscle relaxer once a day instead of three times. Thank you for all your prayers and good thoughts and messages.


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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Good to hear about Abby's progress... much love to you and Abby!


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Thanks Sattie....hope you and yours are well.


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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I'm glad Abby is doing better. I hope she contiues to get better quickly and I am keeping her in my prayers.

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