Well, it would appear that my little girl is not such a little girl anymore! Yep, I believe Corona's in heat. She has a little bit of discharge and I've ordered some "bitch britches", but they wont be here for a while. Any suggestions how I can keep things clean and prevent her from getting blood all over the place?
Awwww, congrats to you both. I am sure that u are thrilled, hehe. If i think of anything that I haven't already shared with you, I will let you know. Hopefully someone here with more experience with this sort of thing will be of more help, we haven't had to experience that here yet.
Stacey, she may be a neat and tidy little girl and it won't be an issue so much. I have a couple girls that keep themselves VERY clean and if I weren't watching and checking, I'd never know aside from the swelling. I also have a little girl that bleeds like no tomorrow. She gets her own special (bleachable) blanket and we have no carpet. I mostly damp mop a lot, keep her in the kitchen with her two other favorite girls for company, and warn people not to pick her up if anyone comes over. Oh, and she is banned from sleeping on my pillow during that time.
Some dogs make more of a mess than others. Tippy and Precious keep so clean during their cycles that i wouldn't even know they were in heat except for the swelling. So i dont have to worry about buying special britches or pads like i used to when i was a Sharpei owner. Ling Ling, my beloved Sharpei of many years before i had Chi's, used to bleed terribly and wore special pants with a pad inside. I think it just depends on the dog and not necessarily the breed when it comes to spotting during the heat cycle.
"Gooing to the Whitehouse to meet the Pwesident!" ~Droopy Dog~
This might sound silly but I had a couple of onesies left from when my grandchildren were babies. I tried them on and they worked great. They can't slip out of them and I just wash them everyday. I use the newborn size. Precious has just come in to her first cycle and she is bleeding alot so I'm going to Target tomorrow to buy a couple more so I can change her more often and I will wash them every evening.
Sorry I can't be of any more help than the other girls here :( My 2 that have come into heat so far haven't been much of a problem - well, mess wise that is - no trying to get at the boys is another thing LOL They spot very little and except for swelling and some crankiness there's not a lot of clean up with them, so I've been lucky. Bijou still hasn't come into her first heat (she's just 7 months) so i'll have to see with her and i may be back on this thread for any other ideas :)
Thanks all! This is all new to me, lol. So far so good though, haven't noticed any spotting, and she's currrently fast asleep on MY bed, lol. She's been SUPER cuddly the last couple of days, I love it, lol.
Good luck Jess. Abby was a heavy bleeder and we had to use the little pants on her which luckily I had bought before hand and even put a panty liner in them. If you have some bikini panties you can cut the sides and cut a hole for her tail and tie them on her at sides. A preemie pamper might work too if you cut an X for her tail to poke out of and you can take it off for her to go potty and then put it back on since they are refastenable now. They even make the disposible for dogs but I never found any small enough for Abby because she was so tiny still during her first heat. She has gained and filled out bone wise a lot since then even.