I was just wondering if anyone else's Chi girls act strangely when they're in season? Ellie is just having her third season and is behaving a little oddly. She is very withdrawn and quiet. But at the same time she howls if I leave her when I go out. Very strange...I'm hoping it just her season playing havoc with her hormones and nothing more serious.
Yep. One of my girls gets SO bossy, everyone is ready to strangle her. LOL And Rosa doesn't want anyone to look at her. She wants to be left alone in the corner.
oh yeah - sometimes i think my girls pms worse than me LOL
Bella gets very clingy and needy; she's always all over one of us the whole time
Bindi gets very sullen and quiet for about first week - she just wants to curl up and be left alone :( She goes thru the needy, clingy stage towards end (more so this time during her second heat)
I found Bindi's second heat to be a bit different in how she reacts - Bella hasn't hit her second yet (hopefully soon so i can breed her to cj). Of course, she had her first at just 6 months and a second 4 months later :( But i could definately tell this time when she was going to be more responsive to the boys (i keep them all separate during whole time tho) and when she'd had enuf - she growled and snapped if they even came near her playpen instead of dancing around inside it teasing them LOL During her first season, she just wanted nothing to do with anyone - human or canine :(
Ok, now she's started marking! She's even doing it inside the house and since we're not at home but staying at someone else's house this is a disaster!!! I Googleed it and it said that sometimes females do this to tell the males they're receptive and 'ready'. D'you girls agree with that?
Please, please, please answer as it is awful at someone else's home!
Oh yeah - marking is a sign :( My girls constantly mark all over when they're in heat - it's a pain in the tuckus cause they mark then the boys have to mark even more so
Unfortunately, I know of nothing to stop it. I keep the girls in the playpen when they're in heat just so their separate from the boys so i can contain where they are marking somewhat. But as soon as it's their turn out they run wild thru the house leaving that scent :(
Oh thank you Sue for that! I was a little worried it might be something more serious so it's a huge relief! She doesn't seem to be doing it quite as much today than she was yesterday; she's not marked inside at all today! PHEW! Lol!
Okay, that really answers some of my questions!!! That is why Roxie has been peeing in the house the last 3 days, just a little here and a little there and is swollen but not bleeding yet. And not eating, just wants to sleep...or rub her butt on my foot. Acting really strange for her. She will play if you initiate it but had rather get in a crate and sleep.