Katie's pups are sick. I called the local vet because I am without a car at the moment. He said it's probably herpes and just keep them REALLY warm and hope for the best. He said bringing them out to him would be mor harm than good. He is the really OLD guy I'm not terribly fond of, so I'm not feeling as trusting as I could with his advice. I've been on my list getting other ideas and they are in a big box with a nebulizer at the moment. If the HIGH heat and nebulizer don't help, I will call the vet that is farther away in the a.m. and ask about antibiotics. Prayers are appreciated. All pups are still nursing and gaining weight at the moment. I will be posting their two week pictures shortly.
Oh no! Poor babies! My Krissy has a runny nose?! It sounds pretty nasty, I hope the other Vet can shed some light on it. Let us know as soon as possible, wont you?
Love, positive vibes anad wishes coming your way in FORCE! Give Kris a snuggle frlom me!