Poor Corona seems to have been in heat for about three weeks now. She was really swollen for about a week, then bled for about 5-7 days, and at this point is still really swollen (vulva/nipples). She also hasn't been eating as much as normal... but she'll go a little while without eating much, and then she'll eat a whole bunch (I've been free-feeding her for about a week).
I've never been around a dog in heat before... should I be concerned?
Give her another week before you get too worried. IF she is still as swollen then, I'd have her checked out. Each dog is different, she isn't alarmingly out of the ordinary yet. About three weeks is "average".
Poor Corona and Mom. Karen can give you some good advice. Sounds about just like what we have been going thru with Roxie, but she is eating like a piggie right now and the vulva swelling is just beginning to go down some and this is day 27. Good luck.
Right 3 to 4 weeks is normal. its normaly a week coming in then 1 to 2 weeks in full heat and then another week going out. The not eating much is normal, with the hormones and body changing makes them not feel to well. So all should be fine.
Finally got my girl home! She's looking a LOT better! Full of energy and she's put a lot of weight back on... Krissy told me she was under 3lbs when she first got her two weeks ago, yikes!!
Her "girl part" is still very swollen though, so I'm hoping that will come down soon.
I'm also going to see if I can get her booked in to be fixed when I have my break between semesters at school... I think I get a week off, so hopefully that will be long enough for her to heal up ok. And hopefully I will still have money in the bank at that time...
I know you are glad to have her back home. Sounds like her "week at camp" was good for her as well. Bless her heart...this whole girly thing did not set well with her did it? Roxie can commiserate with her.