So - for past couple of days, i haven't seen Bella eat much at all - nitpick a piece here and there. She's also the one we think may be pregnant, so I'm assuming it's a type of "morning sickness" for her. She's still very active - although mainly just wants to be on couch with someone for attention, but will play with other dogs for little bit. She's tending to stay more by herself and "overseeing" things. She's drinking - sleeping more, but shows no signs of any distress. If this only lasts a couple of days, i'm sure she'll be fine, but when do you start to worry that they're not getting enuf?? I actually even tried giving her some puppy food, but she won't touch it. I did give her a little chicken tonite and she gobbled that down so maybe she's just having a couple of off days - or playing spoiled LOL. I'm going to make some soup for her tonite (of course, all the dogs have to have some too LOL), but am using low sodium broth as, it's my understanding, too much sodium isn't good (which makes sense as it isn't for humans either). Anybody got any other solutions to get them past this point? Someone on another group suggested candied ginger to settle her tummy. I just want to be sure she's getting enuf nutrients for her and the possible wee ones.
Now - let's just hope she really is pregnant :) Her appointment is the 31st for confirmation by vet - it can't come soon enuf
Sue, Don't freak out too much yet. Janie does the same thing. I mix a little scrambled egg or boiled chicken in her dinner for a few days and I know she "accidentally" eats a few pieces of kibble while she's trying to eat the good stuff. I also keep saltines by the bed and offer her a bit of dog cookie every few hours to keep her little tummy from getting too sour. After a week or so, BAM, and she's eating like a trooper again. I think they just like to keep us nervous!