hi i am new here. i have a black tri-color chi that is 15 weeks old and named niko. i also have a pitbull mastiff mix named pheonix and a pitbull austrailian cattledog mix named natasha and will be getting my 2nd chi who is all white with chocolate spots that is 11 weeks old and weighs a whopping 11oz her name is makayla we will be getting her on the 31st of this month. i am so excited. i alos have 2 children. a 20 month old boy named bailyn and a 14 week old baby named kylen. here are some pics. my husband and children this is makayla niko meeting makayla for the first time. niko modeling a swearter i made him niko trying to sleep
Welcome, you babies are adoriable the 2 and 4 legged lol. I really like Makayla, hope to see more pictures what a cute little thing. I have a 3 week old pup thats 5.5 oz right now and if she makes it as far as Makayla I will be jumping for joy.
WELCOME Melony! I am Eren I am pretty new here too. You will love these gals! This is such a fun forum! You can see my chi crew on my site. I have a wonderful hubby and 2 boys, Hayden 12 and Jackson 10! They are great kids! You little ones are precious and your chi's are cuties! I bet you are excited to get your new one home!!
Welcome to the crossing. You have a very handsome family and gorgeous chis. Wouldlove to see pics of your other dogs too. Once again welcome, I know you will love it here.