The aim thing, I can understand, May hikes her leg now the smell could be anything, was she recently weaned? Is she getting enough to drink? If not, that urine could be very concentrated.. I would call the breeder since she knows the pup, and she was she says, since she knows her.. I am by far not an expert here, If the breeder says it is new, a trip to the vet could be in order
My girl never peed on herself (got her at 7 weeks and 1.4lbs).. she'd usually squat and hold one leg up off the ground. I don't recall ever noticing the smell either.
Definately give the breeders a call, they should be more than happy to address any concerns you may have.
ok so i did a quick exam on her and she is dehydrated. her skin is not bouncing back like it should. i just didnt think that she was dehydrated cause she is peeing and her mouth is fairly wet. so i got out an eyedropper and i am giving her water that way. i do see her drink out of her bowl but i guess she isnt drinking enough. she has access to water all the time and i do put her in front of her bowl so im not sure why she isnt getting enough water.
She is peeing, but the dehydration means it is concetrated.. Now you have to keep an eye on her blood sugar too.. She is so tiny and being dehydrated then hydrated could dilute her glucose
she did great. i am making her drink water just to make sure she is getting some. she is still a little dehydrated but not as bad. yeah. and i am giving her a few doses a day of nutrical.
Good, When I was taking the course called Pediatric Advanced Life support, ( Pals) They stressed how fatal and how fast dehydration could come on.. Concentrated or poor urine outcome was a big sign, poor circulation, ( Puppys gum color) and Sunken soft spot.. Of course these were babies, but one of the problems were their big heads compared to their bodies, and so little volume due to their size, I think both of these pertain to chihuahua babies too. You know, just being weaned and in a new place, she may just have forgotten to drink... I am thinking of her...
Are you using a bowl that has a reflective bottom, like the stainless steel, Izzy would see her reflection and run scared from it.. She is okay with them now, but not when she was little
Your doing great with her. Glad shes doing better. I know with these tiny ones it cam be touch and go so quick. Really have to pay a super close attention to them. Sounds like shes in great hands!!!
thank you both. she is doing really well. ever since i started giving her a few doses a day of the nutrical she has really perked up. almost a different dog. she is doing great. when i first brought her home i noticed that she seemed constipated and her poop was hard and dark. looked old or dry. the first two nights she just stayed in her little bed in her room and didnt move. no eating or drinking or using the potty all night. no she is eating and drinking and greeting me when i open the door to get her. just a much happier pup. yeah. i used to breed persians and to bottle feed some so i know how touch and go these things can be.
I am so glad she is doing better, ya know, it could have just been the stress of mvoing to a new home away from momma that was the begining of it all, Kudos for catching it so soon
I Had to take my min pin to the vets when i first brought her home i gave the nutra cal everyday and her skin didnt bounce back i took her in scared to death so guess what vet said besides water give her gatorade or pedialite to help with the dehydration. he said that happens alot with tiny dogs when they go home for the first time when they are so small. good luck and keep up the good work. glad shes doing better i learned to keep a bottle of gatorade on hand just in case.