In your experiences with Nutrical will it give a grown dog loose stools? Roxie has not been eating her dried dog food well at all and had lost several ounces and was looking really thin. I put her and Abby back on the Eukanuba Puppy chow as Abby was loosing also on the beneful several weeks ago. Roxie still was not eating well so I got some nutrical last Saturday from the vet. I had been giving her less than a teaspoon a day just for the calories in it. Now she is having frequent loose stools. The first day or two it seemed to constipate her. She has not had any in two days now but the poops are still a little runny. She is just picking at the Eukanuba now also. And yes I did slowly change them back over to it. I know I worry too much. She is my baby that get tummy problems with everything from car riding, to getting colitis from going into heat. LOL We had to go into the next town tonight that has a Best Buy to take care of some business and there was a PetSmart next door. Keith suggested I get a small bag of Royal Canine to try her on and she how she does on that. So I bought some of the expensive stuff and if she will eat it and it not upset her tummy I will drive to Lufkin to get it. Just wondering if the Nutrical started the loose stools?
Thats probably what it was then. But she loves the stuff and will lick my finger until every little smidgen is gone. Even too much chicken breast or turkey will give her the runnies. Maybe with the Nutrical and high protein/highfat Eukanuba it was just too much for her. I am hoping for improvement fast !! She has had 3 accidents in the house. 2 in the carpet and one on the bathroom rug.
Thats probably what it was then. But she loves the stuff and will lick my finger until every little smidgen is gone. Even too much chicken breast or turkey will give her the runnies. Maybe with the Nutrical and high protein/highfat Eukanuba it was just too much for her. I am hoping for improvement fast !! She has had 3 accidents in the house. 2 in the carpet and one on the bathroom rug.
Was this during the Beneful food? How long were they on that? Beneful would give half of mine the screaming trots, I have to say. They have every THING and every color under the sun in there. Although, mine LOVE the little tins of canned Beneful. I keep a couple on hand in case I need them to eat RIGHT NOW and I don't have time for lollygagging around. If your Roxie has a sensitive tummy, you need to stay a bit more high end I think. NOT to knock anyone feeding it, but with the tummy problems, there is just too much stuff in there. If her runs are that bad, it's possibly more than the Nutrical. If she's got a sensitive tummy, it may just be a mess right now from the changes in food and the Nutrical combined. You might want to go to boiled chicken and rice for a couple days and slowly add kibble back in. It's mild, the rice will start binding the stools back up and then you can start back at the beginning. My Angel Marie is the same way.Anything that upsets her tummy is always a "big thing". No barfing once and out to play.
Roxie is doing soo well now. If we can just keep it that way. I cooked chicken and rice for her for a couple of days and then started her on Royal Canin Puppy. It is a tiny tiny thin Kibble and she loves it and it is gentle on her tummy. No more that what I have to buy I think I will keep her on this even having to drive oer 30 miles to get it. She is playing and acting "crazy" like she just feels so good and no stinky breath now either. I think she was not digesting well before and made her have dragon breath.
I had mine on the Royal Canine Puppy, and they did well on it but when they hit a little over a year old, I changed to the chihuahua stage, and they did not care for it at all, Is there a problem feeding them puppy food at an older age than a year? I know it is higher in calories but other than that?
Ellen, I don't think there is a problem unless they are gaining too much weight. With Roxie being tall,long and lanky..she needs the extra calories. Sometimes in larger more aggressive breeds they want to cut back on the protein because it tends to bring out the tendency to be more aggressive. Or that is what we were told when my stepson had a PB. I have read that several places also but this is just what I have heard and read. Your vet could tell you for sure or some or the breeders. Mine eat such a small amount maybe 1/4 cup a day that I need all the good stuff int here that I can get.
Maybish is kind of overweight, with age and all, the spaying at a late date, and Bell is starting to look like a fuzz ball with legs, Now sure how, because when I pick her up, her legs start moving like she is topspeed on a treadmill. Bunz is just a stocky muscular little thing, Bam Bam comes to mind when I think of her.. Izz and Zoe are still very slender, Zoe more so on the skinny side