That's a multi part question here. My breeding girls get baths when they come out of heat. They also get baths after litters are weaned. They really LOVE that bath, when I can clean them up and make them smell nice and pretty! Everyone else gets a bath in early summer as soon as it is warm and early fall before it gets cold. And one day in the winter, I turn the heat WAY up and use moisturizing shampoo for itchy winter skin. LOL If they get into something gross, of course, they get a bath no matter what. They usually average one of those extras a year, so about four times a year. If it gets REALLY hot in the summer, sometimes I get two or three in the tub in lukewarm water to splash around or take someone in the shower with me to cool off. But no real bath then. Yoshi peepees a lot from his diabetes and can't stand right all the time from his bad back, so he tends to potty on his tummy. I have baby wipes I wipe him down with, he knows to get on the bed and lay belly up if he's made a mess, so I can wash him off. He tends to get bathed about once a month just because I don't totally trust the wipes.
My answer is for the hot weather area. In the winter mine get it about once a month...they sleep with us and I want them smelling pretty. I either keep them wrapped in a warm towel until they are dry or turn an extra heater on in the bathroom and put both of them together in a crate with a warm blanket in it and one drapped over it. When it is warmer and they are outside more they get baths more often. Sometimes every 2 weeks. But I make sure and use a moisturizing oatmeal shampoo and keep them wrapped up until they are dry. But if they smell yucky they get one no matter how long it has been since the last one. Since mine are both smooth coated it doesn't take as long as it would with your LC's.
Mine vary, depending on how stinky they are. Sometimes once a month, but if they need it, it can be weekly, but that is unusual. I actually find my LC's dry much faster than Misti, she stays wet forever!! I use the blow dryer on all of them, but Misti still doesn't like it much. They all get overly hyper after a bath and tend to run around lots, and i guess it helps to dry them off faster :)