My Angel Marie LOVES babies. Any babies at all. Kittens, puppies, she helped me take care of bottle baby kittens before. She has always been really good. Last time Janie and Maya had pups, Angel was right in with them in a couple weeks, cleaning butts. LOL She is fine with Janie and pups this time. Maya? She is ready to throw it down with Maya. She wants those babies like NOW. She has slept in bed with me for eight years and right now, she's locked in the kitchen. She will NOT give up trying to take Maya down and get her babies. Now here is the strange part. This litter looks very much like the litter Angel had in 2001. Not exact, but close. Meghan looks just like Yoshi, Patrick looks just like Lily Anne, Keira looks like Tony, Donovan's brindle is the same color as Bob. Do you think she knows that? I know that sounds silly, but I have to wonder. She is really intense in a way I've never seen. If I say "Lily Anne", Angel still runs and checks around by Manny, as Lily was a daddy's girl and was ALWAYS with him. She still hasn't dealt with that. And Tony, I let them all see Tony after he passed, because of Lily. I brought him in and laid him on a blanket on the floor for them to say goodbye to. If I mention Tony, Angel goes and lays on that spot on the floor. So I know they know more than we think they do, but this is just crazy. I feel bad that Angel is banished from all the babies, she is normally a big help in teaching them. Do you think that this will simmer down?
Awww, poor baby! I have no advice to offer, but she must have been such a good mommy!! My heart ached when i read this post, poor baby!! We also had a dog that would try and take care of kittens, and a cat that would take care of any kitten no matter where it came from, just good mommy's at heart i guess.
Awww, poor baby! I have no advice to offer, but she must have been such a good mommy!! My heart ached when i read this post, poor baby!! We also had a dog that would try and take care of kittens, and a cat that would take care of any kitten no matter where it came from, just good mommy's at heart i guess.
Well we just locked Maya's crate for a bit and put a sheet over so Angel couldn't see her. Then we let her play with Janie's babies for a while. She was happy to be kissing babies, but she REALLY wanted in Maya's crate still, even with other puppies all around her. This is going to be a long couple months if Angel doesn't give this up.
Wow, that is bizzare! I wonder if it is like you said and they remind her of her own babies? See that is one of the things i am most worried about with breeding Merrie especially, she is such a lovey sensitive girl, and if something goes wrong with the litter, I am scared she won't be able to get over it. I hear about that happening often...actually Merrie's mom had 3 pups, the boy died at birth (suffocation in the sac I think), and her sister died accidentally, her mom rolled on her and suffocated her at a few weeks old. The funny thing was, she wasn't the greatest mom anyhow, she tended to bulldoze the pups over when she saw something she wanted, instead of always putting them first, she tended be blinded and forgot they were there. Then she started to get ficious with the other dogs in the household, and the breeder figured it might have had something to do with the loss of the rest of the litter. I also took Merrie home a bit early, at 7.5 weeks old, but she was more than ready!!
well Ava lost her only pup last summer, to large and got stuck...ect...she carried around stuffed animals for about 2 weeks......I would think that there is a scent in the air that is maybe making your girl Karen feel motherly....maybe Maya is giving it off strong?....I know Ava keeps sniffing the air right now with Emmie in sorta far as sensitive....Ava was...she was really upset, but only for the 2 weeks then it stopped....maybe Merries mom was really young and inexperienced????....was it the first litter for mom????....I have been lucky so far with moms...the only one that was sorta like that was Meadow but she was much too young to have pups and it wasn't at first...more around when pups hit 5 weeks...then she got kinda immature and if she saw something she wanted..she didn't care who was in her way......same with food...when pups hit around 7 weeks..she got nasty with them about food so I took her away from them. For now I would keep her away from Maya until the new wears off......and maybe she will settle down some?
I can't remember how old she was...I believe she was a year and a half. (ish?) But yes, it was her first litter. I was told if Merrie was mature enough, and big enough I could breed her on her first heat. I opted not to, tho I do think she is fully grown, and mature enough, I didn't want to risk it. Her first heat was last month, at 10.5 months old. I was also told to go ahead and breed her on her second heat, tho I am still not convinced it is a good idea, and maybe I should wait til her third heat.
I bred Penny on her third heat and she has free whelped 3 big litters with no problems and she is the BEST mama!!!. Sometimes it is worth it to wait, to make sure your girl is mature enough. Sometime you have an accident though. I think Lacey is PG!! Her belly seems bigger and her nipples are swollen. She is still big down there too! It just seemed like such a long heat. I thought she was done after a month in exile!
I would wait til at least 2nd but I wait til 3rd...I have only had one that was on first...and I lucked out..Meadow did pretty good for being 9 months and a mom....she will be on break for awhile though to mature some.....I think the waiting is a good idea to be honest.....but all depends on your dog too.....I would have thought Ava would have been great..she always is so gentle with the puppies that are not hers...and ect..and she is just way too lovey with hers....and only had one at a one pup equals way too much attention...and that is not always a good thing.