Ever since I've had Ellie I have noticed she dreams a lot! She will be curled up on me/the bed/ the sofa all peaceful and quiet until suddenly she will start letting out muffled barks and whines! Her paws twitch too, like she's running in her dream! It's just the sweetest darn thing!
They both do that every night! Dakota sometimes even growls in her sleep! Sometimes her dreams would get so intense she would act like someone is hurting her and I have to wake her up!
Oh yes, Bella does this too. I think it is SO funny and cute. She will twitch, her legs will "run" and she will snarl!! On a few occasions she has barked and woke herself up, she looks around like "um...what is going on??" Far to funny...I wonder what they dream about...
I think when they do it as pups they dream about there siblings? What do you think. Its so cute though and even when they get older they gotta be dreaming about playing with there buddies or even us. If we can dream they sure can.
Radar is the same way! Lately he has been barking and growling in his sleep. Not to mention all the creepy twitching, and eye movements! Sometimes I really wonder, what in the world they are dreaming about.