My name is Chimichanga (AKA. Chimi) and my mommy (Mia) and I live in South Philadelphia, PA. We were recommended to this forum by someone that we met through and we are always willing to converse in person or online with other Chi lovers and their babies.
My mommy is really laid back, and I'm a tiny little torpedo of craziness. Sometimes my mommy doesnt know what to do with me, but she always manages. I get to graduate from my puppy obedience classes tonight and we are both really excited! We have one final test (though the teacher says that no one fails) but wish us luck!
Thanks for the invite to the board, and we hope to meet many new friends here!
Welcome Mia and Chimi!! I second what Jess said, I love the name. It is so great to have you join our forum. I love your avater pic, I can't wait to see more pics you look so adorable. Good luck with your test allthough I am sure you will do great. What did you learn in those clases? Did you like them?
awwwww shucks guys... thanks for the name compliments!
i sort of enjoyed the classes, but not too much. all of the other doggies are waaaaay bigger than i am. i'm a superduper large 3lbs, but there is a puggle, a lab, and a german shorthair pointer in there with me. during play time they dont really notice me until one of the dorks trips over me... then i can tell that they all think i'm some sort of rabbit or something. they chase me all over the ring until i find the teacher's cart to hide under. then my mommy comes to get me. sometimes i think she's mean, but she told me that she wants me to learn how to be a dog and not hold me all of the time. i dont necessarily agree with some of mommy's training tactics at times.
i did learn how to "sit", and how to "watch" my mommy and wait for new commands. i also learned how to "leave it" and "take it", how to "wait" at the front door before we go out, i learned "stay", i learned "shake/hi-five", "off", "down" like to lay down, and i also learned "speak" and how to walk on a lead.
i know all of these commands, but sometimes it's funny to be bad in class. everyone laughs and points when i sass back and bark at mommy when i dont feel like doing something. being the class clown is so fun!
Aww, Welcome! I am SO glad you are here! I'm glad all has went well with the classes too! Can't wait to learn more and more about you, hopefully we will see lots of pics too!