As some of you will know I have recenrtly changed Ellie to a new food, Pero. Well, after being on it for a couple of weeks, it transpires she has another allergy! What a sensitive pup! I knew she had an intolerance to maize, it makes her itch, so I made sure Pero didn't have any maize in it. She still scratched like there's no tomorrow! Soya I think is the culprit! So, another change, this time to The Natural Dog Food Company's All in One. It is the first holistic dog food of it's kind, so fingers crossed!
The 'All in One' range of complete dog foods.
The natural diet of the dog is whole meat, carbohydrate and vegetable matter. The raw materials used in our products reflect this principle in a formulation which can be optimally digested and assimilated.
We use 'whole food' principles - no ingredients have been denatured by prior processing.
The meat protein in our foods is from top quality human grade carcasses and we do not use products from inhumane farming systems. This is combined with a range of easily digested grain cereals, exluding wheat, and including other cereals such as rice, oats, barley and others. Vegetable herbage is also part of the formulation providing essential nutrients once available to the dog through the predigested grasses and herbage in the stomach of its prey.
Jess, I sure hope the food works. Where do you get it?? Bella has terrible allergies and she "scratches like no tomorrow" too, often to the point that she gets little scabs from scratching so much!! I tried blue buffalo, mixing it with her old food to transfer her over. So, Bella just pulled out the old pices and ate that, if she accidentally grabbed a new food piece she just spit out!!
OH no! Heather, it sounds like Bella is a little monkey when it comes to her food! Unfortunately I dont suppose you can get this new food I'm trying in the States. I'm pretty sure it's a UK product. I ordered mine form k9 Capers, based in London, you could check it out. But the US has an awful lot of holistic dog food choice, you should be able to find something to suit Bella. Tacckling her pickiness, now that is something else altogether! I dont know how to help you there, sorry. Jessie might be able to point you in the right direction of a holistic food; she's very knowledgable about it!
Well, we've been in the process of switching Ellie over to this new food this past week; I've done it a lot more quickly than I would like, and would normally do it as I am keen on getting her off the old one as soon as possible because it's not much fun scratching all day and all night, the poor baby! Since she's only been on it for a few days there's no improvement yet. Nothing to report I'm afraid!
I'll let y'all know in another week or so how we're getting on.
Huggles to Elle. I hope she does good on her new food. I may get scoffed at for this but my Chi's kept on having allergy problem after allergy problem until i put them on Pedigree, the same dog food that my Sharpei ate when we found out she was soy allergic. All of my dogs have done super well on it. My vet agrees it was the right thing to do since they all responded so well to it instead of all the expensive vet clinic foods i was trying them on. Precious even had to be bathed in a non-oat/soy shampoo, her allergy got so bad. We found out that Precious had been chewing on our newspapers while lying on the couch and that the ink contains an oat by-product. When she was really young her hair fell out because of it.
"Gooing to the Whitehouse to meet the Pwesident!" ~Droopy Dog~
napolde, I am sorry you have had all those allergy problems with your babies. If that food does really well with them and your Vet oks it, I say that's all good. I hope all continues to go well.
It has now been about two weeks since Ellie has been on the new food and already the improvment is noticeable! I expect the old food and her sensitivities to it are still in her system, but given another couple of weeks and she should be clear of it. The scratching is dramtically reduced and she seems very well indeed. Yay!
It seems likely that I have finally found the right food for her!