we are getting an australian cattle dog in march and i was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for introducing roxy to the new puppy. she is very sweet and gets along well with my grandparents australian cattle dog named ice. but ice is older and more calm than a puppy would be. i just don't want roxy to feel like she is being replaced.
I would do it a little at a time, it may bring the playfulness out of her you never know but be good with supervision. Maybe work with sitting with them both so she don't feel left out try to show her theres room for the both of them.
Oooh, how exciting! Congratulations! Be sure to post lots of pics, wont you?! So are you waiting for teh litter to be born?
You might want to consider the first few meetings on some neutral ground. It may be easier for both dogs if neither of them feel territorial. Give plenty of positive praise to both dogs, but be careful with treats as it could cause fights.