Yesterday when I came home from work, I noticed that Roscoe's left eye is extra watery and he is squinting it a lot. Sometimes its mostly shut and it hasn't been big and bright like the other eye. This morning when I took him out of the kennel he was the same and he had a bit of green sleep crust in the corner as well. Do you think he just accidentally got something caught in there...or is this a reason to run for the emergency animal hospital??
He seems to be acting normal otherwise.
Please help. Has anyone run into this problem? I tend to get super paranoid over Roscoe.
I would take him to the vet. If he doesnt seem to be in pain you can probably wait until tomorrow to go to your regular vet. He may just have a little irritation or he may have a scratch on his eye. They will probably want to stain his eye to see whats going on. I hope he's feeling beter soon.
I would take her to the vet. Bella gets like that and she gets redness around her eye. This is from her alergies, so maybe your baby has alergies too. I took her to the vet out of concern for her eyes and ears and that is how i learned that she has alergies. So i don't think emergancy room but think a vet appointment is due. Let us know how it turns out.
I think I will take him in. We bought some eye wash and ointment to tide us over till tomorrow. The eye is open but it sure doesn't have that twinkle and gleam like it used to. Sometimes I think I get to crazy over him and am rushing to the vet for every little thing. I didn't realize that eye problems are a big deal with chis, so I don't wanna risk trying to self-medicate Roscoe.
I would go soon. My mom's chi has developed some eye problem...700 dollars later 2 vets and a specialist in Akron Ohio still cannot give her a exact answer to what is going on.
Well, I dont think I need to say it, do I?! I think I'd ask the Vet. You could try just calling them to see what they think before making the trip.
It could, as others have mentioned be serious, but it could also be something minor. I mean, Chis are close close to teh ground and have such big eyes they get stuff in them all the time. But, just to be on the safe side, ask a professional.