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Post Info TOPIC: Problems with Spay

Kid Chi

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Problems with Spay
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I had Meeker spayed 4 days ago and would just like to get some feed back.
I had heard from alot of people that the puppies bounce right back and in no time are back to their normal selves... and that the main concern is keeping them calm while they heal...
This is not the case so far,.. Meeker sleeps all day and when I catch her awake she scurries from one spot to another with one leg hiked up and her tail tight under her belly.
She hides under the couch alot...
She is also trembling alot..
I finally was able to get her to eat some food and drink some water, but she isnt eating normally.

We called the emergency vet and he said that she was probably in pain (we were given no pain meds) and to give her 1/2 a baby asprin..

It has helped a bit, but this morning she peed herself while sleeping next to me...
almost like she had no control

Her incision looks fine,.. nothing abmormal

When can I expect her to feel better? act normal?
Should I be concerned?

Also, I know they say that animals dont hold a grudge but it seems like she is very untrusting of me right now. (in my head this is because i was the one who took her to the vet)
She is not affectionate toward me at all, but gets excited when my boyfriend comes in...
How can I gain back trust?



Senior Chi

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It sounds to me like she is in pain. Baby aspirin might not be cutting it. Some dogs are WAY more sensitive to pain than others. Call back and see if you can get something stronger. If it helps, you know that was the problem. If not, go from there, but four days seems like a long time to still be acting that badly. I got prescription pain pills when my girls were spayed. Good luck and kisses to poor little Meeker.

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I am SO sorry to hear this. It does indeed sound like she is in pain. Sassy was spayed earlier this month and she did not act that way at all. She was sent home with 6 days worth of pain meds though. Your girl should have been as well. It's so sad to think of her so uncomfy and having those problems. Please keep us updated and I will be praying for your baby.


Senior Chi

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I think you've had some good advice from WKM and I think I'd agree with her. I would definitely be talking to my Vet though, four days is a long time to be feeling and acting as Meeker is. Hopefully 6Chishere will see this and reply; being a Vet Tech she really knows her stuff and could advise you well!

Kep us posted, wont ya? Oh, and give Meeker a gentle cuddle from me, it's so horrible to think of her i pain!




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Aw, I aso sorry to hear that she is feeling so bad. Hopefully she will get back to her old self, I can't imagine the pain she is in. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts.


Adult Chi

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Did your vet not send you home with pain meds? If they didnt I'd be looking for another vet. The clinic I work at does not recommend asprin at all for dogs, although some vets do. Asprin thins the blood which can be problematic (sp?) in itself especially after surgery. I'd talk to your vet about whats going on. Also, I hate to say this because I have 6 chis of my own, but they tend to be wimps. When all of them had their respective surgeries (spay or neuter) they were acting funny for almost 2 weeks which is the usual healing time, but Lennon my great dane, was running around like nothing happened the night after his neuter. Every surgery was performed by the same vet using the same drugs etc, so the only thing I can think of is that my chis we're just being extra sensitive. Whatever is going on with her I hope Meeker is ok. Keep us updated.


Kid Chi

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Thank you guys so much!
I have been very upset that my vet did not give me pain meds after hearing that the majority of dogs are at least given the option.
I expected alot more especially since I live beside a Vet school and the vet was a DVM and a PHD.
It has been unfortunate that I had it done before Thanksgiving because his office has been closed since I picked Meeker up. I have called the Tech Med School's emergency line a couple of times and they were the ones who suggested the asprin until the vet office opened.
I have been watching her stools to make sure that there is no bleeding... so far so good.

So far Meeker is sleeping,.. she ate a bit more and used her potty box (good sign that she has control!)
Thanks again, I will keep you updated :)

Very glad to have the support


Senior Chi

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It sounds to me like she is in pain... I've never heard of a dog not getting painkillers after a spay.

I hope that she continues to feel better... it is so sad to see our babies suffering


Kid Chi

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My Sharpei, Ling Ling, did not get any pain meds after her spay and woke up feeling all bouncy and chipper like nothing had even happened. I'm still a bit nervous though since i'm only one week away from Tippy's surgery as well as my kittens neuter. I'm not going to rest until i know that they are awake and ok.



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Adult Chi

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Chewy had accidents after he was neutered and we figured it was because that area was sore and the swelling puts pressure on their bladder. The poor guy acted like he never had surgery until it came to using the bathroom lol.

I say if she's still having problems by like Monday to make an appointment asap.

Keep us updated!!

Also, I don't think I was given pain meds for chewy, only medicine to keep infections away. I suppose all dogs are more sensitive than others.

-- Edited by Ainsley at 21:21, 2006-11-26


Kid Chi

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YAY.. Meeker is doing SO much better...
The perdulum has swung the entire other wy because now she is bounding around everywhere and I am having to try to slow her down... It's almost like she is SO excited that she feels better.




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I am SO glad to hear that!!!!  YAAAA. Thanks for updating us.



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That's wonderful news!


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