dolly is my first doggy that has come into heat..what do you use to protect her..i have looked at products on the net and by the time they get here, it will probably be to late..
There are a couple of things that you can do for her...
Petsmart, Petco, Petsupermarket, etc, sell little panties, and these panties have a little spot to slip in a pad. You can buy the doggy pads, or alter human pads (cut them to fit into the panties).
You can buy doggy diapers as well.
You can also use newborn diapers, or preemie diapers... I've heard of a lot of people doing this, and then cutting out a space for the tail.
oh i went to petco this morning drove 35 miles now, got there and the had one pairof the panties left..LUCKILY they were exactly the size i needed..dolly isnt particularly fond of them..she cant seem to lick
I have a question along these same old are the girls when they usually go into their first heat? Also, sorry for a dumb question, but if they wear the panties or dippers does this mean that they also potty in them?? and how do the poo??
A chihuahua can get their first heat as young as 6 months old, but some have gotten their first heat as late as 14 months old. Normally, they go into heat between 6-10 months of age.
With the panties, there is a hole under the tail so they can poo... but if they pee, they soak the pad.
When Molly is in heat she wears a diaper inside. When she goes ouside to pee I take it off of her, sometimes we are too late and she has soaked the diaper. I usually buy panty liners and cut them up to fit the diaper.
Unfortunately there is no chance that if you order products they'll arrive too late! Heats last for about three weeks! They are however, split into three different stages and only stage one is the time they discharge a liquid that looks like blood. Infact, only Primates bleed when in heat, but it does look similar. (You can tell it's not blood as when it dries it stays a pinky/redy colour instead of turning black.) After about a week the discharge eases, but you still find pink spots around the place for like two more weeks unfortunately! I wish I knew of these doggy diapers when Ellie first came into season a couple of months ago, but I didn't discover them until it was pretty much over. I'll order some for her next season though, definitely. It is so isolating for them otherwise as you are reluctant to pick them up for fear of being stained!
In the second to third week your bitch will become receptive to other dogs, and will probably become rather 'frisky' and try to get it on with a stuffed toy or even your arm/leg! lol This is the time she can become pregnant, so dont let her out of your sight! At the end of eek three she should stop all this unsavoury behaviour and return to being your little baby! Good luck, and let us know how it all goes!
i just read what jess said about week 3..oh lord..heaven help me..
poor dolly doesnt know what to think about this girly stuff..but she has got accustomed to putting on the little panties..she turns her bootie toward me to put them back on..well i hope thats what she is doing..and not expecting anything else..