Hello! I'm new. I don't currently own a Chi, but would love to one day. I'm very interested inthe fawn/white. I think that's just gorgeous! If I do get one, I'm going to get one from rescue, once I have my own house. I own a Yorkshire Terrier named Dixie, and she's a DOLL. I love her so much. As soon as I figure out how to post pix, I'll get some up of her. :) Oh, and thanks to ~Jessie~ for leading me to this site!
-- Edited by chichi at 20:39, 2006-12-19
If anyone wants a sig, I'd be happy to make one for you! :)
Thank you Radar! Seems like a lovely forum! Yes, I'm deifnately planning to rescue. Next year I'm going to voulenteer at our SPCA, and if any come through I might foster before adopting one myself. I'm only 15, and we live in an apartment/rental (my father is a pastor, and we rent an apartment built on the side of the church), but once we get a house of our own, I will hopefully adopt one. If not, I'll get one when I'm 18-20. But as I said, unless I find a really, really reputable, and responsible breeder, that I fall in love with, I'm going to adopt from a rescue or shelter. Thanks for the warm welcome!
If anyone wants a sig, I'd be happy to make one for you! :)
I am glad to see that you are in no hurry to rush out and buy the first one you see. That happens way too often! I am very impressed with the fact that you plan to give it some time and maybe even foster before adopting. It always pays to take your time when looking for the perfect pooch! Good luck with your search!
Thank you so much Radar_Love! (By the way, Radar is ADORABLE!) I already feel at home here at Chihuahua Crossing! lol! I know it'll be a good experience to be here, and speak to Chihuahua owners before taking one into my own home! Thank you again, and I look forward to seeing you on the rest of the forum!
If anyone wants a sig, I'd be happy to make one for you! :)
I hope these work. These are pictures of Dixie, my Yorkie. She's my everything. I love her so much. She's such a blessing to my life. She's an absolutely AMAZING friend, and I don't know what I'd do with out her. She's about 10 months I think....She weighs around 4lbs (I need to weigh her soon). She's just a great all around dog. The last picture of her is with my sister's dog, Lucy, who is a Silky Terrier/Yorkie mix. :)
-- Edited by chichi at 21:02, 2006-12-19
If anyone wants a sig, I'd be happy to make one for you! :)
Thank you Radar_Love!!! I tried adding in the IMG code, but it didn't work. I'll try it again though. :) Thank you very much! I agree, she's gorgeous, but of course, I'm her biased mama lol! She is extremley photogenic, and will actually pose for her pictures. lol!
-- Edited by chichi at 21:06, 2006-12-19
If anyone wants a sig, I'd be happy to make one for you! :)
Sorry I'm late, but WELCOME chichi! You have impressed me also with your decisions on getting a chi. That shows you are very smart and will be the best chi mom possible! I'm so glad to hear you are going to try to get a rescue! I am thrilled you have joined and I hope you come in and post a lot! You will learn GOOD info here and see the most beautiful pics of chis as well. Your Yorkie is just beautiful, she just takes a perfect pic. Please post more of her in the 'Other Pets' forum when you can.
Welcome Chichi! I feel I'm a bit late to say hello, but what with the time difference I'm sure you'll understand! I'm Jess and I live in England. I got my first and only (for the mo!) Chi last March. Her name is Ellie-May ans she is a light red smoothcoat. We're pretty much done with the puppy trials and tribulations now (thank heavens!) and she has turned into a really lovely dog to have around. I myself took four years to research and lean about the breed, a bit like you're doing, and I can tell you it is so worth it! The knowledge and contacts (I wanted to show) I have made are invaluable and I am really glad I had that time to think it through properly. I think you're doing this the right way hon, well done!
Your little Dixie is utterly adorable, I am jealous! lol Yorkies were the first breed I ever got interested in at the age of seven! I love them!
I really hope you like it here, and I look forward to chatting with you!
Thanks everyone! This forum is so welcoming! All of your chis are gorgeous guys! Before we got Dixie we thought about a Chi, but Yorkies seemed the way to go for us. I've always been interested in Chis though, and I hope that one day I'll make a great mommy for one who needs a home! Thanks again guys!!! Thank you for the comments about Dixie! She's flattered! I posted the picutres in the "other pets" area of the forum, and I hope to have some new pictures today. Thanks again all! And thanks again to Jessie for the link to this forum! I know it'll be rewarding to speak with all these great Chihuahua owners!
If anyone wants a sig, I'd be happy to make one for you! :)
Welcome, I am glad to see you have come here and you will learn so so much. You sound like a very smart girl. We can't wait to see you new chi in a few years. Its will come fast so learn what u can everyday. Good lucky, glad to have u in or happy chi family!!!