Hi everyone! I am thrilled to have found this site! We just bought our first puppy, a chihuahua we have named Chili Pepper (chili for short ;) ) She is a smooth coat, reddish tan little girl with the sweetest disposition! Our neighbor bought her sister and we fell in love with her and decided to buy one too! Now chili and dusty (the neighbor's chi) will always be pals! Our puppy takes after her father-she has a deer-like appearance, VERY long legs and a skinny body. Her sister has the more desirable (from what I hear), apple head and short stubby legs. We don't mind though-we have fallen in love with our graceful little baby. I'll be posting here a lot I'm sure, since we are so new at this.
So far Chili enjoys cuddling like crazy and playing with her toys. Her ears are not standing straight up quite yet, they kind of fold over in front. Is that normal?
Hi! Welcome to Chihuahua Crossing! Glad to see you found us and decided to join! I too have a deerhead Chi, named Radar. I look forward to getting to know you and Chili alittle better!
Hi, Welcome to Chi Crossing. Glad that you are here and can't wait to see more pics of Chili, you avatar with her is so cute. Yes I do belive that it is notmral for their ears not to stand up right away. I think you will be amazed at the changes over the first year of their life. Can't wait to get to know you and Chilli better, Welcome again!!
Welcome and congrats on your beautiful baby! She has the body type that my Sassy has. Sassy is a dear head, long legs and long, lean body. My other 2 are apple heads. Her ears will take a while to fully stand. How old is she? There are a few chis, such as my Hershey, that may never have completely erect ears, but your girl will most likely perk right up. I look forward to tons of pics and lots of posts about you and Chili! Have fun in Chihuahua Crossing, you are our 100th member!
Hey! Welcome aboard! This is a great place for people who're new to the world of Chis, there are lots of knowledgeable experienced members just waiting to answer your questions!
Chili is just adorable and I cant wait to hear all about her! I've heard a lot of people ask the ear question so I think it's quite common, not to worry. Things here (I live in England) are very different though so I haven't had first hand experience with this particular issue.
I really hope you enjoy it here, I am sure we'll enjoy having you here!
Oh yeah, it is normal for chihuahuas ears' to flop when they are puppies... and sometimes they never end up going up. If they are not up by 6 months, they will probably never go up. My Madison's ears went up and down... and now they are mostly down. Sometimes they are up, but they normally flop.
about the ears, I taped Ava's and they now stand...we did it with our yorkie puppies.....just watch to make sure she doesn't scratch it off and eat it....just kinda pinch the ears together ends touching and then wrap...two person job....leave for a couple days then cut off...do it again if needed....some people do it some don't you can give it a try if you want!
Hi I'm new to this forum as well I have 2 appleheads and two deerheads my apple head bred my deerhead so we will see what we get and also my Nina is a deerhead and her ears did not stand up till she was 6 months
I am so glad that we have Chi Members from Ohio. I too was born in Ohio, but moved to North Carolina in 2001. What parts of Ohio is everyone from? I grew up in Springfield, between Dayton and Columbus.