I have come to the conclusion, after nearly a year of living with her, that Ellie is a very sensitive dog. She has a few allergies/sensitivities to certain foods and I suspect a sensitive skin, prone to irritations. So it came as no big surprise when I noticed her neck was a little pinker than I thought normal a few months ago. She didn't seem to notice, it wasn't bothering her, and I was in the middle of changing her food due to allergies she had to the last, so I just assumed it was probably nothing to worry about too much. I kept a vague eye on it and then on Monday night I noticed a very pink, I thought perhaps nearly bleeding, spot in the same area. I checked her over and she had two more spots the same in her 'elbow' area on her front legs. They were small, like 3-4mm square but still worried me greatly. At first I suspected Mange, but thought that odd as Ellie hasn't even had Fleas yet! Her skin didn't look bad enough for that either, but still a possibility I guess. Next I thought maybe it was Eczema, and I think that's possibly the best guess I have still. I dont think it's due to something like her collar or clothing rubbing as they're both soft, smooth materials, haven't been washed recently enough for it to be the conditioner/detergeant, and she's not had any problems like this before with either. So, I thought I would take her to the Vet on Wedenesday and when I went to check it this morning the spots had nearly gone! The colouring is vastly reduced, but still a little there.
Bless her, I am sorry to hear this. I have no ideas, but I sure will be glad to know what the vet says about it. I know out of my 3 chis, Hershey is the most sensitive, especially with his skin. He has very delicate skin. I hope it's something that can easily be taken care of. Please keep us informed. Good luck!
EDIT: Jess, I didn't look into this site a lot, but it looks like it could have some info on skin disorders in dogs. Might be a good read for info anyway.