Do you guys remember when I wrote about how Chewy's eyes were very red, puffy and excessively watering? Well for the past two days I have noticed that he has had a weird discharge in the inner corners of his eyes that looks brown almost red. I'm scared that it may be blood? I smelled it and it doesn't really have an odor to it.
I checked his eyes and the tops were pretty white but the bottoms have been puffy and red. I'm really worried. I'm unsure if I should change vets or what. I really do not want to give him that medication that everyone told me not to give him because like you guys said, it could cause problems later on. I would be heart broken if something happened to him.
I changed his food recently to something healthier that has red dye, could that be it?
I'd probably suggest trying a new vet. Sounds like something that certainly need to get checked into more and taken care of. I'm sorry this is going on and I wish the very best for Chewy. Let us know what happens please!
I would go to a vet, a different one...Lola has go to a special testing clinic at Ohio State University....she had the same thing..almost...dry puffy eyes...then a discharge...a white one..they keep (they being vets)..saying that it is part of her 3rd layer to her eyeball?????anyways...I told me mother it looks like puss...and anyways...they are going to blast water up her noes and out her tear ducts to see if something is stuck up there..and causing a massive mom has to soak her 6 times a day and then put drops and wash them with saline and give her antibiotics and give her Clavamox???spelling???...anyways...I would call vets....I hope you don't go thru the same thing
Hmmmm, I think I'd change Vets too. What medication did your present Vet prescribe? (sorry if you've posted on it before-I dont recall it!) I would definitely be taking him to the Vet though tomorrow morning.
You meantioned a new food? What is it? It could be a reaction to something in it. The only reason why a dog food company would use any sort od dye in its food would be to please the owner, make the food more visually appealing. After all, a dog doesn't care what his food looks like, they dont see colour all that well, if at all. So if I were you I would switch as soon as possible. There really is no good reason why any dog food should have dye, or any other chemicals in it. It can only be bad. I know just how terribly confusing brands can be, there are so many of them and so many that claim to be good when they're just not. I dont know the American brands so much but I do know there is a wide range of healthy options, including holistic foods! There's lots out there!
Oh sweetie, this must be horrible for you, I'm so sorry! Wish I was there to give you a big hug!
The medication that was prescribed was Prednisone.
The new food that I bought was Nutro Max, the mini chunk kind. It's orangish brown in color. I only noticed the discharge in his eyes yesterday morning and this morning after feeding him for a couple days. The rest of the day yesterday and today he has been fine.
I will not be able to take him to the vet until the end of January because I don't have enough money right now. There is a female vet that works at the practice that I like so I might start requesting her.
This is just so frustrating because he's had these allergies for about 3 months now. I want him healthy darn it lol.
I suspect you might have identied the root of the problem-the new food. It sounds to me like it is in direct consequence from Chewy's feeding times. If I were you, (and of course you dont have to take my advice!) I would put him onto a different food. I've heard of Nurto, good hings, but never realised they put dye in their food. That's not good. I've heard good things about Blue Buffalo dog foods and Timberwolf foods. They might be worth a look at.
As for the Vet thang, well I can really sympathise with you on that matter; I recently got my first mortgage and as you probably know am unable to work so our cash is very tight! And Vets are expensive! You could try just making a phone call to the Vets surgery and speaking to either the Vet or the Nurse about it. That way you're getting some info and advice but not the huge bill. THey can also then advise you as to whether or not it is a potentially serious problem that needs to be looked at.
You might want to think about insurance. It sounds like Chewy may be a sensitive little boy and you could run the risk of having big Vets bills in the future. I pay £8.00 ($4.00 I trhink) a month for Ellie's insurance and it covers everything apart from pregnancy. It's well worth it in my view.
The first thing that I would do is see if a family member or friend could lend you money to take Chewy to the vet. Eye problems can become really bad, really fast. Eyes are not something to mess with... an infection can quickly worsen and eventually cause permanant blindness. Especially if there are colored fluids coming out of his eyes.
If this is an eye infection, you will probably get Clavamox and an ointment.
Second, I would switch Chewy's food. Red Dye #40 is an allergen, and has even been shown to cause cancer in studies. Any dye in food is not a good thing. Nutro Max contains corn as well... another common allergen. I saw that you were looking into feeding Natural Balance- Natural Balance is a great food. I would choose one of the allergy formulas for Chewy to see how he does.
Good luck, I hope your little guy feels better soon.