I have a question for all the breeders on here. Has anyone every done any work in AI (artificial insemination) before? I am looking into it for Ellie because I would have a much wider choice of studs that way. I would really apreciate any info/advice on it if you have!
funny that you mention it, i am doin research on it now! got some good info so far, but finding out more i will let you know when i find out more. what are you really wanting to find out...like how to do it?
Thanks Dana! You're a star! How funny that you're looking intro it too! Great minds eh?! I guess I'm just trying to find out what it's all about, how to go about it, and how breeders rate it. There's lots of info out there that I've seen but just wondered what breeders thought of it. So from the horses mouth as it were.