�I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone.� I live in Revere, Mass and I have just purchased a puppy from Selina in Ohio.� Her name is Brandy and I cannot wait to get her this coming weekend.� I would love to hear stories and learn about this wonderful breed.� I cannot wait.� I am going to spoil her rotten.� I have 3 teenage boys and I never had a daughter so this new little princess will be the daughter I never had.
�Glad you made it to introduce yourself. I am so happy that I get to watch Brandy gro up on here and I know everyone else will be too. Everyone on here has gotten to see brandy sense she was born.
�You will like this forum Lisa everyone is sweet we are all like a big chihuahua family on here lol.�
Welcome! I am so glad you are here! I fell VERY much in love with baby Brandy, though I could not have another chi. I am thrilled that I can see her grow through your posts though! Chihuahuas are just wonderful and I know you are gonna love and spoil Brandy silly. Congrats on getting such a beautiful little girl! I look forward to your posts and learning more about you.
Welcome to Crossing, so glad that you are hear, I can't wait for you to get your little girl either!! I have no children and my chi, Bella, is my daughter and boy what a blessing she is!! Can't wait to get to know you better and watch you and your new baby grow as a family :)
Hello and welcome Lisa!� So you're the lucky gal whose getting Brandy!� lol� � We've all watched her grow fom a teeny new born into that cute, rambunctious pup who we know and love today!� I really look forward to seeing her grow up and hearing all about her escapades!�