I have a question for you...is there any way to get rid of tear stains? Ellie has, only on one eye so far, a stain from where her eye waters and I'm not being funny, but it isn't very pretty really. I have tried washing it when she gets a bath but to no avail. Any suggestions?
If I remember correctly, while working at a pet store I came across some wash that you can use. It's mainly used for Poodles but I don't see any reason why you couldn't use it on Ellie. Just make sure to check the chemicals and such that are used.
Hi babe I work at a pet store and it is called tear stain remover its a clear bottle with the picture of a poodle. A home remedy is using baby oil to clean it. THe product works great you just rubbed it off with a cotton ball. It won't hurt your babies eyes. Hope this helps!
I need to get some of that for Jax too. He has the one eye that is on the white colored side of his face and it get really bad tear stains. If you get the stuff, let us know how you like it!
Thanks guys! I have had 'Diamond Eyes' recommended to me and am thinking of getting some. It's a tear stain remover which I think you just whipe around their eyes with. I also learned of a product called 'Angle's Eyes' which is a food suppliment that you just sprinkle on their food every day. This one sounds like a preventative instead of a remedy for existing tear stains. It's 100% beef liver, but I cant work out why that would stop tear stains appearing?!
Thanks for the replies girls; you're the best! Mwah!
heres something else you can do to remove tear stains mix about equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and milk of magnesia with enough cornstarch to form a thick paste. carefully swab it into the stain and allow it to dry, then brush the mixture off.this will remove the stain, but will also bleach dark hair well i hope this helps good luck.
Jess - i've also heard milk works - you take a little on a q-tip and rub it into stain - i guess you have to do it 4-5 times a day tho til stain disappears. Don't know how it works but i've heard from a lot of show people/breeders that it works wonders
Thanks guys! Ellie's tear stains are now all gone...phew! lol I got some saline solution to put in her eye just incase it was some infection and I think it must've been as she's been tear stain free for a few months now! I guess she just got something in her eye that irritated it!