Hello, I'm Brenda from West Virginia. I'm pleased to meet everyone. I hope to chat with everyone and be able to tell you all some interesting things about mt little Chihuahua babies, I love them so much. Well, just happy to be here. Brenda
Brenda, It is great to have you Welcome to Crossing. How many chis do you have? I can't wait to get to know you and your chis and see pics of your babies. If you have any questions or need help with anything just let anyone on the site know, everyone here is great and very helpful. Welcome again and I hope you love it here.
I decided to purchase two after my Chihuahua named Patsy passed away last year. She wasn't a pure bred or anything but we loved her so much. I had been checking out sites and thought maybe this time I would get one with papers since I had never had one like that before. So I found two from a woman in Louisiana from different lines that I just fell in love with. I'm so excited because they will be ariving the week of the 5th. I have already named the girl Blaze. She is a beautiful blue Merle. The male is a brown long coat with white slippers on every paw. My daughter who is 11 wants to name him Brody, so we will see when he gets here. It is good to have something to look forward to after such a loss you know. So here we are planning the arival I can hardly stand the wait. It's like Christmas.
Congratulations Brenda on the two new babies coming soon.. I am so sorry for your loss of Patsy last year... It is a very painful event in our lives to lose a beloved pet.. The first 4 chi babies I owned starting in 1991 have all passed away over the years.. and it is heart breaking..Sharing your love with the two new pups will be a wonderful healing process.. I am so excited to see pics of them.. Deb
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
I do have pictures that the breeder sent me downloaded in my computer I just don't know how to put them on here. She is so wonderful, she answers any questions I have had, also she sends me pictures every week of them.
Hey Brenda! It's great to have you with us and I look forward to hearing all about and seeing lots of your Chis!
To post pics on here you must have a Photobucket account. It's free and very easy. You open an account and them upload your pics from your harddrive/website and then copy and paste it into the photo section. Voila! Hope that made sense?! If you continue to have trouble give one of us a shout!
Thank you everyone for being so nice. WOW I do understand the photo thing, I think, and I will set up an account so I can put pictures on here. We will just have to see I'm a little slow when it comes to the computer sometimes. LOL Blaze and Brody are coming in a little over a week. I just feel like jumping up and down when I think about it. I'm so excited about them. Like I said last year we lost Patsy and about eight months before that Peggy ran out the door when my girls opened it off the bus and someone hit her right in front of the girls. They never even slowed down they kept right on going. I picked her up off the road and brought her up to the house I was screeming and crying. It was so hard and we all still miss her so much. That is one reason I would like to litter train these new babies and not let them outside. Not inside forever but not to just go out when they please. We live further away from the road now but I'm still afraid.
Here is the last picture I got of Blaze she is getting so big. I can't wait to get to see her and kiss her little nose and in just a little over a week and she will be here. Hee, Hee, Hee
Those are awesome pics!! What beautiful chis you are expecting. I can't wait till they are home and we get to hear all about them. and of course see more pics, they are just TOO cute.
What gorgeous chi babies! No wonder you are sooo excited to get them home...Blaze is so very uniquely marked and Brody is quite the handsome fella..Can wait to hear all about them. Deb
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Hi Brenda and welcome to the forum your babies a very cute a merle is what I want next but they are all so far away I would have to ship maybe I will Keep posting Pic's of the Baby's
I won't have any babies till next year sometime. I will keep everone up dated so if anyone is interested they maybe able to get on the list for a baby. I can't believe the people interested in pups. Yet I'm not going to breed Blaze until she is a year old or better. I want her to be ready. I am looking for some females though. It took me a long time to find her. I'm sort of picky. LOL edited: I am looking for AKC pups since my Blaze and Brody are AKC.