I know there are at least two chi breeders (Dana and Selena) here and maybe others.. I am not a breeder, but am curious about the age you retire a momma chi from your breeding program. Is the decision based on her actual age, her age and health, the number of litters she produced, or possibly all these factors combined? What age do you consider "too mature" to continue in your breeding program provided all other health factors are good? Deb
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
well if everything is good health wise, and she hasn't been over breed i would say 6. but if she needs a c-section i would spay her no matter the age. a female really shouldn't have more than a litter a year. some breeder breed twice then skip one .....and so on.
What Dana said is pretty much what I think also. But, always remember alot of breeders think differently, from either experiance and also what they read and hear say. I usually breed 3 then skip a heat. But that also depends on how there deliverys go. You could get all kinds of opinions on something like this. If you read up on certain things you will get differnt answers. So its pretty much all on how you think and feel about things.
Thanks for your replies ladies..Can either of you recommend a website about chi breeding that you feel has good comprehensive information for someone who is interested in studying the selection process, genetics, and other factors that contribute to a successful breeding program. Deb
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
I'm not a breeder, but I do not think any dog should be bred past the age of 6. I also think that each chi should either have 1 litter a year, or have 2 litters and then skip a heat (of course, dependent on how large the litter was). Some breeders believe that it is better for the bitch to have 2 litters in a row; others argue that it is necessary for them to take a break inbetween each litter.
The problem with finding a "good" breeding website is that the entire process of breeding is so ambiguous. Many resources will contradict one another, and many breeders will each say that something worked for themselves when it hasn't worked for others. I've found some good, informative websites... I'll go through my bookmarks tomorrow when I'm feeling more awake (I just got home from a movie and it's 1am so my brain isn't exactly working!) :D
Heres a really good site I goto that tells you about due dates and whelping and all. I go there everytime one is due and go over everything. They also talk about breeding so it may help you. Its mostly about Shih zus but, alot of it helps no matter what breed. Hope you like it. Remember you learn more on experiance also. You learn alot as you go. Breeding and whelping
I appreciate the information Jessie and Selena.. I think at this stage in my life I need to keep learning new "stuff" to keep the ole' brain stimulated...So why not learn about the subjects that are of interest to me?? lol Deb
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
That is a good question. I have thought about breeding and that a lot. I thought about just doing breeding as a hobby and not trying to make a career out of it. I love the Chihuahua dogs and I would never want to harm them so I thought about breeding my female after she turns a year and only once then skip a year, then breed then skip a year. Not just skip a heat but if I breed her one heat then not breed her till the following year. Also I would like four females so that way I would have two females having babies one year then they get a year off and the other two would have babies. So each year I could have two litters of babies and each year the mothers get a year off. You know switch them out so they all would get a year off when it would be their turn. Also I thought about retirement at the most 6 I would not breed them after that. Also if one of my females had to have a c-section I would never breed her again, that is rough I went through that myself three times and one natural and would not wish that on any Chi. mommy to have to do it again.