Hi Everyone! My name is Mandy, I'm a chihuahua mama too. I just found my first chis about 2 years ago last decemeber. I can't believe I waited so long! I always thought everyone who had a toy dog should get a cat! Afterall, they weren't dogs! they were too small. Boy was I wrong!! I think my chis are more dog than my shelties are! Just in smaller more convienent packages. I'm totally in love. Except for one thing! I'm finding male puppies extremely hard to paper train!! They always would rather pee on the doggie beds! YUK!~Mandy
Hi, It's so nice to hear from you. I'm excited to be here too, you can't have too many chihuahua friends!! My Avatar is my Speckos Dude, he's on my website, he's my tiny long coated boy. (and my soulmate, but don't tell my hubby!).
I have 8 chis and 3 shelties. My shelties are older, I used to raise shelties, but now I'm only a chihuahua person. Of course my shelties are my babies too, and will stay until the Goddess calls them home! But I only have eyes for new chihuahuas! It's definitely an addiction!!
Hi!! thank you for the invite! that was sweet. I think I know some people here, like Selena from Bluebrook chihuahuas. It's nice to see familiar names! I haven't figured out yet how to put pictures on except for the Avatar, that's my Dude. But to put some in the message, I have to figure out still. I'll get it! Thanks again, Mandy
Hello Mandy what a beautiful Chihuahua. Hope you enjoy Chihuahua Crossing it is such a nice place to chat about Chihuahuas. You soon feel a part of the family. Pleased to meet you.
Hi Mandy and chi's. Welcome to Crossing. If you need any help with the pic post just PM me and I will help ya out. Hope that you love it hear like I do! Can't wait till I begin to see your babies!!
Thanks to all of you!! My babies are all on my website, nursery pages 1 and 2. they were just born, 7 days ago and 3 days ago! It's the most incredible thing in the world! I only wish I could keep all of them! Mandy www.rockmoorchihuahuas.com
Welcome Mandy! I am thrilled you have joined us, we have such a wonderful chi lover family here. I love your Avatar and really look forward to seeing more pics of your babies here. I'll certainly check out your site. Welcome again Mandy!
EDIT: Mandy, I saw your site and you have the most beautiful chihuahuas! Every one of them are just perfect!
Hello Mandy and welcome to the crossing I know what you mean about chi's I started with one male my baby boy Taco and have added 3 more and have 1 litter on the way and hope to keep 1 pup from that litter I love my chi's my husband complains that pretty soon there will be no room for him on the bed lol
Hi Anne, I haven't even gotten my Hubby to let them in the bedroom! He said it's a "No Dog Zone"!! I guess maybe that's because I have 8 chis and 2 litters!! But I love them, more than life. So, I tell him as long as I can have them, he can have his "dog free zone". Compromise is key to a long marriage! LOL!
I also have 3 shelties too, so we have a zoo here! Plus my daughter has 6 cats, and we have finchs and gold fish and guppies! OH Boy! mandy
We have 2 pitts outside 3 cats and 4chi's inside and 1 snowflake eel and I'm Fixing to ship my Baby off to Basic in the USMC in July My hubby is trying to add a blue lab to the mix He wants a hunting dog. The pits are my son's the one he has had for 5 yrs and 1 for 2yrs They are both sweet dogs and never bother my chi's and then we have 1 litter due in april of chi's so as you can see we have a zoo going here to but I love it
Hey Mandy! It's great to meet you, and I am happy you're here. I've just cecked out your site; I see you're another Merle lover huh?! We seem to hasve a lot of them here!b lol Congrats on your recent litters, and I look forward to seeing them grow!
Mandy I just looked at your website....I wish i can have one of your puppies,so beatiful!!!!Well maybe I should fly to the US and pick one up....what do u think?
Thank you so much. I spent a months looking for each one, they are all incredible doggies. I guess in a way, I feel like I'm collecting works of art! I love to watch them, and I so love the exotic colors Chis come in!! They are the most amazing little dogs. Mandy