I have a small question, Brody is hard on Blaze, he bites her legs and makes her cry. How do you keep the peace when one pup is a little too much of a bully? Poor little Blaze just cries till I pick her up.
They have to establish a pecking order I am going through it with dolly my youngest she is 13 weeks she is a little terror and is after Taco and Nina to play all the time Nina is a grouch right now and wont play as much I have seen Nina grab her by the neck and throw her down growling at her and dolly will start crying and when Nina lets her Up she runs to Taco But I don't interfer because they are not really hurting her they are disiplining her If there is not blood drawn and no real injury's let them work it out. Now my Jezzie gets really mean and will try to hurt the others and when she does that she goes back into her room