As most of you will know I have had to work hard and unfortunately put Ellie through a lot, by trying to find a suitable dry food for her. She is sensitive to maize (corn), soy, and I am keen to have her on an organic, human grade food. Well, it took me the best part of a year to find and establish a food that worked for us. This food was The Natural Dog Food Company; an organic, human grade, holistic dry complete. Ellie has been on it for about 6 months now and it has been good, but now we've run into a problem.
A few months ago I noticed that the last ingrdient is actually animal derivatives. I was concerned about this but thought that since it was organic and all that that it was probably safe. Then, the other day when I went to order more (there aren't that many places that stock it) I found they no longer had it! So, I contacted the product company only to have my email rejected as their inbox is too full! I am now gwtting suspicious, I am wondering if perhaps they've had some sort of legal trouble and have had to pack up or something! WHAT IS GOING ON?!
So, it's another switch on the agenda! Argh! Poor Ellie had just got settled on it! I am looking at Nutro, Timberwold Southwest, and a new product called Orijin. Do any of you have any thoughts or comments on either of these foods?
Sorry if you feel this is an old, done subject, but I would really apreciate and value your views!
Jess, I am so sorry to hear about this. I'm afraid I can't really offer help on the foods but I sure hope you can find something that will work well for her. It's a shame she was finally settled on something and this happens. Best of luck!
Do not apologize for the post, we are always here to listen and I know how frustrating the food issue can be. I wish that I had some advice for you but all I can offer is my empathy. I do pray that you find something excellent for her soon!
Thank for the replies girls! Looks like nobody else has anything to say ojn the matter! So, after a few days of deliberating and researching I have decided to go with Nutro. Orijen looks really, really good to me but there's only one internet source of it in the UK and I cant work it out! lol So I ordered the Lamb and Rice Mini Nutro Choice. Hope Ellie likes it!
Let us know how it goes Jess. I hope it works well for her. The forum has been a lil slow lately, I'm sorry not too many had input in this thread. Good luck and I'm wishing Ellie the best!
Jess, keep us updated on how it works out. I sure understand how the allergies are after going through the same thing with Bella. We now have her on a hills food that we get prescription from the vet, it is "extra allergen free" and seems to be working well for her. I wish you luck and again please keep us updated on how it goes.
I'm sorry the Orijen didn't work out... it is such a great food. There are only like 4 states here that carry it (my doggy bakery does!). My chis have been on it for about 2 months, and they are doing great on it.
Well, after much deliberation and consideration I went with Nutro. I would've gone with Orijen in a flash had it been more readily available. The problem is that Orijen is only available through one website, and I was concerned because if that one stopped selling it I would have to chnage Ellie's food once again. That and I couldn't actually seem to figure out how to use the site! lol So I ordered a bag of Lamb&Rice Mini Nutro Choice. It arrived yesterday and was an instant success where Ellie's taste buds are concened! Makes it all that much easier!
I'll let you know how she does on it. Thanks girls for helping!
Well it's been a little over a week since Ellie started on the Nutro and I'm impressed! She LOVES it and seems to be doing well on it so far! SUCH a relief! lol