I know this might be a really silly question, but some places I'm told that the two types are "long-hair and short-hair" other places I'm told "long-hair and smooth-coat" and other places I'm told "long hair and short-hair/smooth-coat". Which is right? Is there a difference? Thank you in advance
as far as I know - short hair and smooth coat are same thing :) The actually term (according to AKC) is smooth coat. Now - within smooth coat you do sometimes get the "double" coat - not actually a long hair (no skirts, manes, etc) but a much thicker coat than normal.
Well Sue pretty much said it all. There are indeed 2 types of coats; smooth and long. Some people call smooth coats short coats, herein lies the confusion you expressed! lol Over here in the UK you can only breed smooth to smooth and long to long, never smooth to long or long to smooth. Did that make sense?! Anyway, the reason I tell you that is because it means we dont get that in betweeny coat that Sue mentioned.
wow - i didn't know that about UK. What's reasoning behind it ? My girls Bella and Bindi, who are long coats, actually came from a smooth to long breeding. My boy, Bruno, who's a long coat, came from smooth to smooth breeding. Now, Bruno's is the "sparsest" - but he still has fringe on ears, skirt and mane - but his hair isn't as thick on his body - but i've heard it can take up to 14-16 months for full coat to appear. Bella has fringe, skirt and mane - much thicker tho and Bindi's coat is just very full and thick - what i would consider a "true" long coat even at only 6 1/2 months. I'm curious to see a long to a long - which I actually have a NEW LITTLE GIRL arriving wednesday afternoon who is from a long to long breeding - she's an absolute beautiful blue/tan with white - i can't wait to see her - i'll post pics in that section
Okay, sorry to be the slow one here but what you posted was interesting and now I got questions. Jess, you said a "smooth to long or long to smooth" why wouldn't you just say to breed a smooth and long together?? Sorry if that is a completely dorky question. I guess that when you talk breeding you say the boy (or girl) first?? And, what is a "skirt" that you mentioned on a long coat?? Thanks for the good info, I love learning stuff about Chi's
the skirt is the long hair on the back end - you know, all that fluffy stuff around their butt :) It actually trails down their back legs - kind of like a skirt which is where they probably got name LOL. Have you ever seen a long haired saint bernard? they have skirts too. It's all that extra hair from back (around tail) hanging down their back legs - the stuff that always gets snarled and tangled and pine sap in it and constantly has to be brushed LOL - and it's especially messy when they go into heat :)
So just so I know what do you all call a "rough" coat?? I know that technically it doesn't not exist, but in reality it does. I tend to call a long coat that never really gets long a rough coat. I call a double smooth a double smooth.. So I was just curious on other opinions on that. hehe.. I know a few show breeders that actually trimmed the hair on a rough coat to show it as a smooth coat. I don't personally have any rough coats. But I do have one double smooth, but she's just a pet. And here in the US anyway it's almost impossible to find a line that is all smooth or all long.. they are all blended. Matter of fact the boy I have now.. (that seems to be getting an awesome long coat) is from to smooth coat parents.. and actually is smooth back 3 generations before there is a long coat. And he was the first long coat from that breeding pair.. LOL I can't wait to see him with his full coat.. but we got a long road til then.. he's only 4 months now.. LOL
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Well Sue, as far as I know the reason for keeping the two coat types seperate is it's meant to distinguish the two different coat types and keep them clear. We either have smooths or longs, never roughs. It's just like any other breed that has different coat types; Smooth, Long, and Wire-Haired Dacshunds, Smooth and Long coat Weimaraners etc. We keep the coat types together in order to stop the bluring that occurs when you mix them. We Brits are very methodical and particular! lol
Heather, sorry if I confused you with my bad writing and explanations! I blame it on brain fog! lol
Jess, No prob I was just asking, not really confused. Okay maybe I am confused. I think i wasn't clear on my question hehe...like when you say "long to smooth or smooth to long" is that cause in breeding you say the kind the mom or dad is first?? or were you just emphasizing your point...maybe I am over analyzying just think it is fun to learn about this stuff and all the language LOL