Hi! I have two chihuahuas-Tinker Bell Forever (2) & Halo (1)-both females. I found out about this site from Hershey/Sassy/ & Jackson on dogster.com. I look forward to visiting this forum. I am obsessed with chihuahuas.
I will try to post a photo on here, but unfortunately I am not very computer literate. If it doesn't work, I will try to post again soon! This one is of Halo, when she was younger.
Aloha! Lol, we are ALL obsessed with chis, so you came to the right place. I do see the pic. of Halo and she is a cutie. Now we want to see Tinkerbell, please.
Siggy by Rosa
"My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."
Welcome! I am so glad you made it. I know everyone here will love Tinker and Halo as much as I do. Sassy, Hershey & Jackson are very happy to have you here. Please post away and enjoy the forum.
Welcome to our home.. We are so glad to have you, Tinker Bell and Halo join us!! You'll find everyone here is crazy about chis just as you are...lol We love pictures and look forward to seeing more..Halo is a little doll! Deb
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Hello and welcome to the Crossing! We're thrilled you made it along, and so look forward to hearing all about you, Tinkbell and Halo! I thought about calling my Chi, Ellie, Tinkerbell for a while; it's such a cute name and suits Chis so nicely!
I really hope you enjoy your time here, if there's anything you need, anything I can do, please ont hesitate to get in touch!
Thanks for the warm welcome! Everyone's chihuahuas are so cute! I'll try to post a photo of Tinker Bell. She will be 3 yrs. in June. The first photo is from Mother's Day weekend, and the second photo is from when she was a baby.
I'm late saying Hi, but had to say WELCOME to Crossing. I love the pics your babies are so cute. I can't wait to see more and get to know you all better.
Hello! Welcome to Chihuahua Crossing! I too am obsessed with my Chi, Radar! I'm glad to see you found us, I can't wait to get to know you, Halo, and Tinkerbell alittle better!