Hi All! I was introduced to this forum by Bella on dogster. I cannot wait for you all to share pics of your babies! The more the better!! My chihuahua is named Bianca. She's a 6 month old tri-colored chi who is the love of my life. I've included a picture of her. Hope you enjoy!! Can't wait to get to know you all!
Hi Bianca, I am SO glad you made here. Welcome to the forum and our Chi family. I love the pic. she is so cute in that dress. Bella says Hi and she is glad to have a new chi friend. :)
Hello and welcome Princess J and Bianca! We're all so pleased Bella found you! I think you'll enjoy it here, it's the best place to be if you have a Chi! lol
Looking forward to hear all about Bianca and of course seeing all those puppy pics!
Thanks Deb. I know I that is my favorite pic of her in that dress! I'll tell you what, it came right off after I took them. The whole time she had it on she was trying her best to get it off. Thank you all for the welcome. Hopefully we'll get to see alot of each other and brag and show our babies off!!