My 4 month old chihuahua has not eaten anything in two days. She is drinking plenty of water but I can't get her to eat anything. She is alos throwing up and has diarrhea. Does anybody have any idea what may be wrong her and how I can get her to eat. I am getting really worried.
Please take your puppy to a vet as soon as possible.. She may be seriously ill and chi pups can become critical very quickly.. I can't imagine why she hasn't already been taken to the vet if she has been this way for two days. Deb
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
I took my baby to the vet this morning and her blood sugar had bottomed out and temperature wasn't even registering and she was also highly dehydrated. They are having to keep her over night. I called to check on her and they got her blood sugar and temperature back up where it needs to be. They are giving her lots of fluids. She is starting to come around and lifting her head and sitting up so that is good. She did start having baby seizures. If all goes well tonight she will come home tomorrow.
oh Wow! I am so glad you brought her in! These babies are so small and precious. It doesn't take much to send them for a loop. Please let us know how she is doing tomorrow!
Carla, when you go back to the vet to pick up your pup... ask them for a tube of Nutra-cal supplement.. They will sell you a tube and you need to always keep it on hand. Chi pups are very prone to low blood sugar episodes and you can put a dollop of Nutra-cal on her tongue or in the roof of her mouth and it will be absorbed into her body... It can prevent seizures and blackouts in young pups. I keep a tube at my house for emergencies even with grown chis. Let us know how the baby is doing and if she gets to come home tomorrow... What are you feeding her? Is it the same food the breeder fed her? Good luck..Deb
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Oh my gosh! That must've been so scary for you! I'm so sorry! But it is so great to hear she is on the mend! Please, please keep us updated on her progress, we'll all be waiting to hear!
By the way, are you new here? I dont recall having seen you about before? If you are new then WELCOME! If you're not, then I apologise! lol
I'm s glad you got your baby in to the Vet. I know how scary that can be . I had an episode with Boomer last week too. Let us know how your little one is doing and post some pictures too.
Thank you guys for all of your concern. My Sophie passed away today about 2:30. I had gone to visit with her and she died while I was there. I am new to hear and really enjoyed talking to all of you. I will be hoping to get me another one soon. I just like to get them as babies and watch the grow and mature. Thanks for everything. Carla
Carla, I am so sorry for your loss... I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts. Please let us know what the vet explained as the reason Sophie became so critically ill.. I understand the low blood sugar and dehydration can cause the loss of a chi pup... They will black out, have seizures and sometimes never regain a normal body temp or glucose level. What I am concerned about is what created the diarreha and not eating that produced the symtoms which led to her passing away. You need to know if she was exposed to something in your home or yard that needs to be dealt with before getting another pup... If it was something congential in Sophie, the breeder may offer a replacement pup.. It is very important the vet do whatever is necessary to explain why she passed away... Deb
-- Edited by chideb at 17:47, 2007-06-05
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Carla - i'm so sorry for your loss. I agree with Deb - please be sure your vet gives your more info as to what might have brought the diaherrea and vomitting on in first place. Low blood sugar is a big fear with these little guys - the minute they show any signs of illness, I give nutrical or pedialyte. But you want to be sure what cause it all in beginning.
The vet told me that her liver was not functioning properly. That is just has not matured the way that it should have. And that's where the glocose comes from is the liver. I did try tyo give her ensure but I think that it was just too late.
Carla, What a painful experience for you to go thru... Again, I am so very sorry for your loss... It does sound like Sophie may have had defect from birth if her liver did not develop properly and she was only 4 months old. I would consider contacting her breeder with a copy of the vet's report on the cause of death... A reputable breeder would most likely be willing to offer you another puppy... Deb
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Oh my God, Carla! I am so so terrible sorry! I'm lost for words, I just dont know what to say. Such a shock. Oh, I am sorry.
With regard to what Deb suggested about the breeder offering you another pup, I would be very cautious of that if I were you. This may be a hereditory problem and the last thing you need is to go through all this again. The Vet may be able to advise you further, but if it is a hereditory defect I would run away fast if I were you.
Again, I am so sorry Carla, I just cant believe it. My thoughts and wishes are with you at this time. *hug*
Carla, I'm so sorry to hear you lost your baby. I don't know what elseto say, but I will keep you in my prayers and when the ime s right for you I hope you find another precious baby to love.