Please help! I believe that I did a bad bad thing when I started using these piddle pads! Halle doesn't want to go anywhere else now. Even if we are outside she doesn't want to go! and lately has started going in various places around the house! If the boys don't shut their bedroom doors, she will go in their rooms everytime! It's like she will make it a point to take an trip in there just to go! The other day she went on one of my throw cushions. I don't understand! She has on occasion went on the floor right in front of me and I think it has been an attempt to get my attention. I don't know if she felt she wasn't getting enough at the time or what, but she knows when its wrong because she will immediately beat ass thru the house and hide! I am at a loss as to what to do with her! How do I retrain her and what is up with going where ever the mood strikes her now? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
How old is Halle?? 1st thing I suggest is limiting her area to run around in until she has mastered using the potty pads. I use a xpen, then go up to one room, then 2 rooms, before they are aloud to roam the entire house. If in the act I make a loud pitched noise, pick up the one being bad and put them on the pad.. when they are going on the pad I tell them they are being good..and do the potty dance.. hehe If Halle is teething age (3 1/2-5 1/2 months).. it is completely normal for them to totally forget everything they learned.. it does slowly come back and some don't forget at all.. but I haven't had that luxury.. it's there total brain fart mode.. LOL And I just retrain, I consider that being part of having a Chi. Good Luck! Hope I helped a little bit.
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I think Foytoy gave you some great advice there, and if it were me I'd go with that. Halle probably is going through that horrible 'forgot it all stage' but just to reenforce the training you could go back a few steps like suggested. The reson she's going on rugs/clothes on the floor is probably because she thinks of them as pads, she doesn't understand the difference. Until you've got the training finished you my have to make sure you dont have anything on the floor other than the pads.
As for the outside thing, has she ever understood that she can go outside? Cos if you teach them the pad is the place to go they might not get that outside is also ok. I find it's best to stick to one or the other.
I'd go w/Foytoy's advice too. That is what I had to do w/Halo. She has been a difficult one to housetrain, since I got her. I had to make sure to clean her "accident" spotst really well.
I think it is difficult for some dogs, who are housetrained to get used to going outside It can be confusing to them to learn both. I know it might sound funny, but maybe you could put one of her pee pads outside until she catches on & then keep cutting the pee pads smaller & smaller until she gets the idea.
One other option might be to buy those "Puppy Housebreaking Aid" drops. If you put a couple of drops in the grass, maybe it will give her the hint she needs to catch on. You could also use them in area where she is supposed to pee in the house, just to encourage her to pee in the right spot.
I too agree with Foytoy's advice. I'm also housetraining a new pup (although a different breed), and it is hard to keep up with him when he has free roam of the house. But, when he does I be sure to have a pad in just about every room, just so he'll have one in case he does have to go. I'm not sure about Halle not going outside, my Teddy will use pads mainly during the night, and he prefers to go outside to potty during the day. I'm hoping you figure it all out....good luck!
Halle did have the piddle pad thing down and was doing really well. Then just started going where ever the mood struck her. She's been doing this for a few weeks now. She doesn't necessarily have to go on a shirt or anything else. She will go in their rooms and then run out really fast, I think for fear of getting caught in the act! She is not a stupid dog, so I don't think she has "forgotten" what she has to do. She knows when she is doing something she shouldn't. She is 8 months old now, and I think I may have a harder time breaking her then I did potty training the boys!
Hmmm, perhaps she's testing you. She's about the right age to be starting to push the boundaries for 'alpha' position. Whatever you do, you must not let this happen! I would suggest reasserting your authority. Does she go to puppy classes? If not you might want to consider that as it really helps make it clear to the pup that you are in charge, not her.
I know just how trying this age can be, but dont fret you're not alone. We'll always be here to help, or just listen to you scream(!), if/when you should need.
Some days I really need to scream when I find more "tootsie rolls" with my feet then I care to! I left her out of her room last night. I had to work midnight, so we'll see how good she was when I get home. I hope she stops this soon!