I went into a dog chat room the other day on AOL. There is a woman in there who I thought, was very mean and cruel. I asked if anyone in the room enjoyed Chihuahuas and the I have two. The woman instantly asked if I was a breeder. I'm not a breeder yet, because technically I haven't bred Brody and Blaze. But I said that I plan to breed my Chihuahuas when they are old enough. She then asked me if I show my dogs. I mentioned that no I don't show my dogs because I don't have time with four girls, and how the shows are picky like with their ears and their eyes. {I have never been to a show, yet I have read and heard that they like their eyes to be brown and their ears to stand up and things like that will be strikes against them.} Well, this woman then went off on me about if I don't show my dogs then I don't have the right to breed them and since my dogs are defective. I asked defective? Here she was referring to my Blue Merle having one Blue eye she is "defective" and because my Brody's ears didn't come up then he is "defective and I shouldn't breed them." I think that is bull crap. Then I mentioned how nice there pedigrees are and that Blazes fathers grand Sir won the best of opposite sex division in the Westminster dog show. They flat out called me a liar, the entire room ganged up on me and I was so upset. When I only went in there to begin with was so I could get Chihuahua lovers to come see my site. The woman ruined the hole thing, or did she? Should I have just stayed out of there or should I not breed because I don't show my dogs? I would never charge "Show dog" prices for my Chihuahuas because I don't show them. Also there are some people out there who would love to have an AKC registered Chihuahua and not have to pay the "show dog" prices or am I all wrong? You never know one my be "show quality" yet I don't know because I don't show them. Tell me what you think? Is it wrong for me to breed the dogs since I don't show them? I know the first thought the woman in there had was oh no not another Backyard breeder well, I know everything people say about "Backyard Breeders" I get real irritated! I love Chihuahuas. I always have not only are they may favorite breed of dog but they are my favorite animal in general. I have so much Chihuahua stuff my husband tells me enough is enough, but I can't help myself. I want to know why it is such a bad thing for me to want to breed Chihuahuas? Why is it such a bad thing for me to want to teach my daughter about breeding Chihuahuas and give her something that is rewarding? I think it is crap for people to judge me just because my grandparents and parents weren't breeders. It has to start someplace. Why can't I do something I will enjoy. My sister in law breeds Huskies and she has only been breeding Huskies for a few years. She loves it so much, yet she gets the backyard breeder crap. You know what she told me? Brenda, don't worry about it, you love those dogs just like I love mine, and yes mine are in the back yard. I do love my dogs and I want to do what is best for them and I want to start now, isn't that what being a "RESPONSIBLE BREEDER IS ALL ABOUT?" http://officialcottrellchihuahuas.com
I also want to mention that I have talked to two vets at the clinic I take my dogs to who are wanting to help me with breeding Brody and Blaze when the time comes. Not only that, my breeder that I got Brody and Blaze from plans to help me. She works with me even now since I got Brody and Blaze. I'm not going into this blind and I'm not saying I won't ever show. I do plan to go to the next AKC show since my sister in law invited me and she goes to see to since she plans to show her Huskies. I want to keep the CH. in Blazes pedigree so I would love to show her. I would like for her and Brody to throw a pup that I could show and work with from a young age, I didn't get Brody and Blaze until they were around three months old. Both can do little commands like sit and stay and lay down. They know the harness and both lead well I have done that since I got them. I don't want anyone to think that I am just going to breed these dogs out of control because that isn't at all my intentions. I would like to bred the standard I would like to show them. I am trying to work it all in, that is hard when you have four kids as well. This is a passion I have had for quite a few years. I don't want to give in to frustration or negativity.
Well, if there's one thing i've learned in my chi adventure it's that you'll never please everyone :) You just need to know in your own heart you are doing what is right. I did rescue for over 6 years - my rescue buds do not look well upon me know that I am starting to breed and show chi's. I've run into vets, breeders, handlers, trainers who say one thing - and lots who say lots of derogatory other things :)
When I run into these "derogatory" people, I don't even get into a conversation with them - i nod a few times and try to get away from the conversation (or them) - and in my mind say a little prayer to give me patience with them. It's just not worth the arguments with them.
I agree with Sue, Brenda. You will never please everyone so ignore the rude comments and just know you are doing the right thing for you. I would rather buy from a small breeder like you then from someone who has so many they keep them in cages and kennels. These big time breeders don't care enough about their dogs to even spend much time with them. My vet has one that was discarded after she could no longer be bred. Don't let the negative people get you down.
Thank you both so much for all your help. I know everyone is entitled to their opinions I feel EVERYONE should have that. But I don't think people should brow beat others and talk down to them just to try to get a point across. It does nothing to help an individual to be spoken to that way, it is hurtful and just plain mean. I do want to do the right thing and I have decided not to breed Brody and Blaze for the main reason I feel he is going to be too big for her. I also want to show her first and have the health tests like the CERF and BAER tests done first before I ever breed her.