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What a mess! (warning: gross)
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Well, yesterday afternoon Sassy got into, and ate, a bunch of vasaline.  She is gonna be just fine, but the mess that is coming out of her is just, oh Lord, so gross.  What is happening is the vasaline is passing through her system and is greasy and all and it's leaking out of her rear.  Especially when she is sleeping.  It's not solid or anything, just a really stinky, greasy mess.  I have had to bathe her twice and she has ruined our bed and bed cover twice already.

I feel bad.  It's my fault she got a hold of the stuff.  She is not sickly at all and seems to feel fine, but I'm having to keep her off things and in the pen mostly to keep her from messing up everything.  She is upset about it.  She hates the pen and wants to be by me all the time, on the couch and bed and all, and right now it's just so hard.

Pray that it gets passed and clears up soon.  All I can say is keep vasaline far from your pets... in excess quantities anyway.
cry  A little for a cat for hairballs is one thing, but this... well, this is quite another.

Sad Sassy


Kid Chi

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Poor thing, I hope Sassy feels better soon.


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Poor baby. I hope she gets to feeling better real soon.

chidad3rd.pngLouise E Williams Siggy by Rosa

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Poor Sassy, she looks so forlorn locked up in the pen... Is she doing better today I hope?? Deb

Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer

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Bless her heart and yours too. What a mess.
  Roxie  had an upset tummy for two days and threw up her regular dried dog food.( Which she had been swallowing whole) I boiled rice and added canned chicken breast to it and it seems to have helped her. I think she  had gotten into the watermelon half we had set on the patio to take to the pasture and had a little watermelon and it just did not set very well. But she acted fine other than losing her chow several times over 2 days. She is teething too, so that may have had something to do with it too. confused    But I worry over every little thing.
I am back from my back surgery and so glad to be online again.


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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Oh wow hon, that sounds like a mess! Too bad you couldn't get those lil diapers that they wear when they are in 'heat'. Sassy looks sooooo sad!




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Thanks to you all. Sassy is all better now. It's all passed through and she is back to being the lil terror I love so much. LoL! laughing.gif Thank goodness that mess is over with.  doh


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Oh no!  Poor Sassy girl!  tears.gif  It's amazing what they'll eat, isn't it?!  Eek!  Poor baby will just have to sit it out I guess!  Let us know how she's getting on, wont you?



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Way to go Sassy!  Feeling all better now...

Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer

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Glad to hear Sassy is feeling better. Lets hope she remembers this so she doesn't try it again.

chidad3rd.pngLouise E Williams Siggy by Rosa

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Oh, my! I'm so glad she is doing better. Poor little girl!



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redweezie wrote:

Glad to hear Sassy is feeling better. Lets hope she remembers this so she doesn't try it again.

Sassy wouldn't care, she'd go right for it again! LOL!  But her Mom, yeah, she's gonna remember and keep the vasaline far from lil Sassy paws. wink.gif



Senior Chi

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Sassy sounds like Prissy. She got into chocolate one time. he was so sick we thought we were going to lose her. She didn't learn her lesson and did it a seond time. She was just as sick again. Now I alk the house every time one of the grandkids is over to make sure they don't leave any chocolate

chidad3rd.pngLouise E Williams Siggy by Rosa


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Wow! Sassy must have an iron stomach! I can't imagine how rough it was for the both of you. But, all that matters is that she is feeling much better now!


Baby Chi

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Oh dear poor Sassy, and poor you having to clean up.

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