Also, is it harder for male Chihuahuas to live together or is it just as hard for females to live together. I know there are a few of you who have more than one Chihuahua, I do have two yet they are male and female. When Lilly comes I will then have two females so how does that work? Please let me know I need a plan before Lilly comes to live with us.
I have found that chis are fond of their own kind and have had no problems introducing a new one to the pack. When I bring in a new puppy, I do use a playpen for the baby. It protects the pup from things that could hurt them in the house and allows the older chis to have contact with the arrival. I let the pup interact with the others only when I am able to supervise until he is older.. I had found my males very accepting of new pups. They usually want to "teach him the ropes" so to speak.. I do have two females as well, and they are generally fine with new pups as well. I have found my females to be more dominating than my males (but this could be just my dogs) and one of the girlswill generally be dominant over the other.. This is just the pack mentality and does not create problems.. They will establish their own "pecking order" and just need to be supervised until the pup is large enough to take care of herself within the group. Hope this helps. Deb
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Deb is right. I have no had any problems with my Chis, male or female, accepting a new member. My Mini Pin is a little stand offish at first and a little more domineering, but not the Chis.
Thanks Deb, and Louise, I just wondered this pup is two months younger than the two I have so she isn't just a baby. I will watch them to I have heard females are dominate sometimes. We had thought about getting another male but I didn't know how Brody would be with that. How do you work it when they are in heat? How do you separate the dogs without limit to their interaction with the family? I don't want Blaze being bred. I may not want her bred at all if we get to show her and she was to place. Any ideas about that? I do have a play pen and that is a good idea.
I just brought 2 new ones home this week. Rico is only 1.10 oz so he's a definate "playpen boy" - he's been here a week now and still gets very limited time with the other guys - only under direct supervision. Mainly cause he's so little and the other ones play rough at times. But he's already learning the ropes and fighting back :)
X-pens work for older ones also - the pup i just brought home last night (or this morning i should say) is in an x-pen for now. Mainly because my 2 playpens are taken by Bijou and Rico. He's also older - 6 1/2 mo. The x-pens sometimes work better for initial introductions as the dogs can all see each other better and sniff each other out.
Also remember to keep a close eye when they are out together until you've had the vet check and stool sample done - lots of new pups come in with worms and even if the breeder has wormed the pup, you sometimes need to continue treatment - you won't want Blaze and Brody getting them too :(
My females definately dominate the boys but they all get along fine. The girls aren't too sure about the new boy that just came in, but Bruno is laying on a pillow by the x-pen crying for him :( You just have to watch their play - they'll sort it all out but i do remove the little pups if the older ones try to dominate too much and get rough. Eventually they'll all decide amongst themselves who's on top and what the pecking order is :) But it's like everyone else said - they seem very accomodating about accepting someone new into the family.
As far as when Blaze is in heat, you will have to keep her totally separate from Brody for the whole 3 weeks. Each will have to be out separately. Someone has to be securely away (crate, playpen, etc) each time. They both may get very "adament" about being together during "prime" breeding time. I just tried to give equal time to the girls and then Bruno - none of them was too happy about not being out with everyone - but they all got some time out so it was ok.
Thank you all so much for the advice I think a playpen will be great I'm going to try that since I have an extra playpen. I could keep her in the playpen when she is in heat and that would be OK. Then she could be in the living room with the rest of the family and so on when the other one comes in to. I check her everyday to make sure, sometimes three or four times a day because she is now six months old and it could be any time from here on out. I bet it is hard listening to them whine about not being together. Now Brody is only six months old as well, my husband doesn't think he can breed her yet. But I told him I'm not going to take any chances. I'm going to keep them apart I don't care I don't want her bred this first heat. I'm not sure I'm going to breed Blaze we will just have to see. Also, as soon as the new pup arrives she will be quarantine to a medium pen until her vet visit to have her exam. I know for a fact that Brody and Blaze are clean of anything, and I want to make sure she is to. Thank you so much for everything you guys are great. I like that so helpful you don't know how much that means to me.